Teen Autism - Help Your Teens https://helpyourteens.com Fri, 01 Mar 2024 16:50:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://helpyourteens.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-PURE-logo-32x32.png Teen Autism - Help Your Teens https://helpyourteens.com 32 32 How to Help My Teen With High Functioning Autism https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-help-my-teen-with-high-functioning-autism/ Fri, 01 Mar 2024 16:48:54 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=44646 Has your teenager been diagnosed with high-functioning autism (ASD – autism spectrum disorder) or do you suspect they are high spectrum autism? The behaviors, sometimes, can be similar to an average troubled teenager and very challenging for parents especially when an adolescent is going through their puberty years. Many parents experience defiance, rebellious, and even […]

The post How to Help My Teen With High Functioning Autism first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Has your teenager been diagnosed with high-functioning autism (ASD – autism spectrum disorder) or do you suspect they are high spectrum autism? The behaviors, sometimes, can be similar to an average troubled teenager and very challenging for parents especially when an adolescent is going through their puberty years.

Many parents experience defiance, rebellious, and even explosive behavior with their teenager at times — but when does it cross over to a diagnosis of possibly being on the spectrum? Some teens that are ADHD could possibly be diagnosed high functioning on the spectrum.

Research has proven girls are less likely to be diagnosed with ASD than boys, it’s also important to understand that high-functioning autism doesn’t always diminish your teen’s intelligence level. ASD students can be very smart, however struggle with organizational skills.

Identifying high functioning autism (HFA) in a teenager can be challenging, as the symptoms may be subtle and varied.

Common Signs and Behaviors of High Functioning Autism in a Teen

1. Social Skills – HFA teens and young adults can have difficulties with peer relationships and making friends. What may seem as socially awkward, young people with high functioning autism typically have a hard reading non-verbal cues such as understanding body language or facial expressions. They usually will avoid social activities and gatherings with a large number of people.

2. Emotional Regulation – Dealing with heightened emotions such as anger, rage and stress can be more difficult for HFA teenagers. Reality is, it’s just as challenging for an average person when they are going through the natural emotion of being extremely upset, however teens on the spectrum have more of a struggle not only expressing themselves appropriately, but understanding others’ emotions.

3. Academic Performance – In many situations you are working with smart teenagers that are unable to achieve their potential, usually because of their emotional issues and lack of organizational skills. Many HFA teens will excel in subjects that are their favorite interests.

4. Struggle Expressing Empathy – HFA teens struggle with understanding the perspective and feelings of other people. This is yet another reason why they have problems making and keeping friends.

5. Executive Functioning Challenges – Many young people that are high functioning on the spectrum have difficulty with organization, time management, and planning. They struggle with multi-tasking as well as completing or initiating tasks independently.

How a Therapeutic Boarding School Can Help My High Functioning Teen

Have you exhausted your local resources for your teenager? Do you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells or maybe your son or daughter is simply not moving forward in their life?

The good news is, there are life skills and/or social skills therapeutic programs that can help your teen or young adult launch into a healthy future.

Therapeutic Boarding Schools for teens and/or young adults can offer the following ways to help stimulate your teen in a positive direction, incorporate both social skills and life skills and give them a second opportunity at bright future:


1. Therapy through emotional growth. A teen or young adult displaying a level of resistance to school or work will need to address the underlying causes in therapy.

2. Social skills help your teen communicate more effectively and efficiently and, as a result, help them build, maintain and grow relationships with family, peers and eventually their colleagues and clients. 

3. Building encouragement through a positive peer environment. Expressing frustration and anger with your child will likely make them feel worse and increase failure to launch behaviors. This helps them learn to build friendships through a positive peer culture.

4. Structure. Help your teen find the right balance between staying busy and having down time as well as developing organizational skills.

5. Goal setting through mentorship and internship programs. Typically, these programs will have interests and enrichment programs your teen will be involved in — and more importantly be motivated by.

6. Accountability through basic life skills of chores, hygiene, financial literacy, culinary skills, healthy diet decisions and more.

7. Enrichment programs that can range from caring for animals, woodshop, landscaping, farming, arts and music, community volunteer work, gardening and more. These programs can help your teen with coping skills for anger and stress management.

8. Education – from finishing high school to starting college classes or enrolling in vocational training, every student has an opportunity to learn.

Therapeutic boarding programs can equip your HFA teen or young adult with coping skills to deal with adversity, handle their emotions and change that real-life can throw at them, as well as help students identify who they are by what they can do, rather than what they have done.

Also read:

Why Therapeutic Settings Are Effective

5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

How to Help Struggling Young Adults

The post How to Help My Teen With High Functioning Autism first appeared on Help Your Teens.

ABA Therapy for Teens on the Spectrum: Pros and Cons https://helpyourteens.com/aba-therapy-for-teens-on-the-spectrum-pros-and-cons/ https://helpyourteens.com/aba-therapy-for-teens-on-the-spectrum-pros-and-cons/#respond Sat, 25 Nov 2023 13:51:04 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=43967 How to help your teen on the spectrum, pros and cons of ABA therapy. Among the several therapeutic options available for individuals with autism, ABA therapy stands out as one of the most well-researched and widely recognized approaches. It is a therapy that holds a promise of fostering positive growth and development for people of […]

The post ABA Therapy for Teens on the Spectrum: Pros and Cons first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to help your teen on the spectrum, pros and cons of ABA therapy.

Among the several therapeutic options available for individuals with autism, ABA therapy stands out as one of the most well-researched and widely recognized approaches. It is a therapy that holds a promise of fostering positive growth and development for people of all ages, including teenagers on the spectrum.


However, like any comprehensive therapeutic method, it comes with its share of pros and cons. This article delves into the nuanced world of ABA therapy for teens, and explores its potential benefits, the concerns it raises, and how it fits into the broader landscape of autism intervention.  

Pros of ABA Therapy

From taking a personalized approach and tailoring the skill development individually, to making the most of positive reinforcement, ABA therapy can truly be beneficial for teens on the spectrum.

Evidence-Based Approach

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is one of the most well-researched and evidence-based treatments for individuals with autism. This means that it has a strong track record of effectiveness in improving various aspects of behavior and development in teens.

Despite its questionable history and criticism of being rigid and overly focused on behavior modification at the expense of individual personality and identity, ABA has evolved significantly over the years. The main goal of ABA is not to suppress individuality but to provide individuals with autism with the tools they need to navigate daily life and develop essential skills.

There is abundant research that supports the effectiveness of ABA in the realms of social interaction, communication skills, and adaptive behaviors, particularly for teens with ASD. Granted, the effectiveness of ABA may vary for individuals positioned at diverse points on the spectrum and is influenced by multifaceted factors affecting progress. 

Nevertheless, ABA’s widespread acceptance within the autism community comes primarily due to its well-documented effectiveness.

Structured and Predictable

ABA therapy often provides a structured and predictable environment, which can be comforting for teens with autism who may struggle with uncertainty and change. Staying on clear schedules and consistent routines creates a sense of familiarity, which can reduce anxiety and foster a sense of security for teens with ASD.

Moreover, the structured environment of ABA therapy can also facilitate skill generalization, which is very important for individuals with autism. By practicing targeted skills in a controlled setting, teens are better prepared to apply these skills in real-life situations where unpredictability is more common.

This gradual transition from structured therapy to the broader world can help bridge the gap between therapeutic progress and everyday life.

Targeted Skill Development

ABA therapy can be highly individualized to address specific goals and challenges that teens with autism may face. It can help improve social skills, communication abilities, and reduce problematic behaviors, depending on each individual’s unique needs and strengths.

The personalized approach of ABA allows therapists to tailor interventions to the teenager’s precise requirements, ensuring that the therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a finely tuned strategy designed to maximize progress and well-being.

With the help of ABA, teens with ASD can focus on targeting and addressing the specific challenges that are most impactful in their daily lives. Whether these challenges pertain to social interactions, communication hurdles, or behavioral difficulties, ABA provides a tailored roadmap to mitigate these issues and foster positive growth.

Customizable and Personalizable

One of the best characteristics of ABA therapy is its flexibility and ability to make adjustments as teenagers with ASD progress in their development. ABA therapy typically begins with a comprehensive assessment of the teenager’s current skills, challenges, and areas that require improvement.

Based on the assessment, specific and measurable goals designed to address the teenager’s unique needs are established. Experienced ABA therapists can develop strategies and interventions that are specifically tailored to meet the established goals guided by what is most likely to work for that particular individual.

As the teen progresses, therapists closely track the teenager’s response to interventions and make adjustments as needed. If certain strategies are not yielding the desired results, the plan can be adapted to better suit the individual’s learning style and needs.

Positive Reinforcement

ABA therapy heavily relies on positive reinforcement techniques, which can motivate teens with ASD to learn and engage in desired behaviors. Using personalized reward systems, like tokens or stickers, therapists can create a tangible link between positive actions and rewards.

However, this approach goes beyond mere encouragement, and it actively shapes behavior by acknowledging and reinforcing incremental progress toward specific goals. By recognizing and celebrating each step forward, ABA therapy cultivates not only motivation but also a sense of confidence and independence in teenagers with autism.

The emphasis on motivation and reinforcement forms a cornerstone of ABA therapy. By consistently utilizing positive reinforcement techniques, ABA therapy fosters sustainable progress and establishes a cycle where teens are motivated to engage in desired behaviors, experience the rewards, and build upon their successes.

Cons of ABA Therapy

Despite its potential benefits, it is important to also consider the potential concerns and limitations associated with ABA therapy.

Limited Accessibility

One significant challenge posed by ABA therapy is the limited availability of qualified specialists. Not all areas have a readily available pool of trained ABA therapists, which can pose a considerable barrier to families seeking these services. In some cases, families may need to travel long distances to access therapy, creating a huge time and financial burden. If you’re doing ABA therapy in Miami, however, you’ll have a good choice of therapists.

The cost of ABA therapy can be prohibitively expensive for many families, making it inaccessible, especially for those with low incomes. While some insurance plans may cover ABA therapy, coverage can vary significantly, and out-of-pocket expenses may still be substantial. 

Intensive and Time-Consuming

ABA therapy often requires a significant time commitment. The intensive nature of the therapy may necessitate multiple sessions per week, which can be demanding for both teens and their families. Balancing ABA therapy with other aspects of life can be challenging and requires real dedication and effort.

Families with complicated work schedules may find it especially challenging to allocate the necessary time and resources for intensive ABA therapy. In many cases, parents or caregivers may have to juggle their work responsibilities with therapy appointments, which can be stressful and demanding.

Limited Focus

Despite its reliance on positive reinforcement, ABA therapy is often criticized for its narrow focus on specific behaviors and skills. While effective in targeting certain goals, its focused approach may inadvertently neglect other important aspects of a teenager’s development, such as their emotional well-being.

One way to tackle the limited focus issue of ABA therapy is to combine it with other therapeutic approaches, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). With its focus on emotional well-being and thought patterns, CBT can complement ABA’s strengths by addressing some of its limitations.

However, as previously mentioned, managing the financial strain and time commitment of ABA therapy alone is challenging enough, and adding another therapy to the equation can make things incredibly difficult.

Final Thoughts

Supporting teenagers with autism can present a unique challenge, and the choice of therapy is crucial to shaping their future. With its evidence-based approach and tailored strategies, ABA therapy offers a valuable tool for addressing specific challenges, though it’s essential to be aware of its limitations.

Ultimately, the path forward is unique and personal for each family and teenager. Only by examining both sides of the equation, weighing the pros and cons, and consulting with healthcare professionals and specialists, families can make informed choices that can lead to the best possible outcomes for their loved ones.

Also read:

My Teen Refuses Therapy

My Teen Lacks Social Skills

The post ABA Therapy for Teens on the Spectrum: Pros and Cons first appeared on Help Your Teens.

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Help for Teens with Autism https://helpyourteens.com/help-for-teens-with-autism/ Tue, 25 Jan 2022 12:53:52 +0000 https://www.helpyourteens.com/?p=17796 How to get help with your autistic teenager. 6 ways to help your teen with autism. The teenage years are a time of upheaval and change, and for teenagers with autism, these years can be especially tough. As a parent of a teenager with autism, you want to make sure that they have the best […]

The post Help for Teens with Autism first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to get help with your autistic teenager.

6 ways to help your teen with autism.

PexelDisabaility The teenage years are a time of upheaval and change, and for teenagers with autism, these years can be especially tough. As a parent of a teenager with autism, you want to make sure that they have the best possible chance for success in life.

Here are six tips to help you care for your autistic teenager.

Get Help From Professionals

If you are feeling overwhelmed as a parent of a teenager with autism, it is important to get help from professionals. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – it can make all the difference in making things easier for both you and your teen. Specialists at Autism Parenting Magazine suggest the following: Get a diagnosis for your teen.

This will help you understand their condition and how to best help them. Find an autism specialist to work with your teen. They can provide therapy and guidance on how to best manage your teenager’s autism. Join a support group for parents of teenagers with autism. These groups can offer advice, support, and resources that can be invaluable. Seek out counseling if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Counseling can help you deal with the challenges of parenting a teenager with autism and give you tools to better cope.

By getting help from professionals, you can ensure that your teen receives the best care possible and that you have the support you need to cope with the challenges of parenting them. With the right resources in place, you can make this challenging time a little bit easier for both you and your teen.

Set Clear Boundaries

It’s important to set boundaries for your teenager with autism. This means setting rules and limits on their behavior and sticking to them. It can be difficult to do this when you’re trying to balance their needs with your own, but it’s essential for both of you in the long run. Be clear about what is allowed and not allowed, and enforce the rules consistently. If your teen knows what to expect from you, they’ll be more likely to comply with your expectations. Ultimately, this will help them develop into a responsible adult who understands how to behave in society.

Additionally, it’s important to keep communication open. Let your teen know that they can come to you with any questions or concerns they have, and be willing to listen without judgment. This will help build a trusting relationship between the two of you that will last long into the future.

Encourage Socialization

Teenagers with autism need to engage in social activities. There are many ways parents can encourage their children to socialize. Some ideas include joining a club or activity at school, attending a church or community group, volunteering for a charity or organization, and meeting friends for playdates, outings, and sleepovers. Joining a social club or activity is a great way for teenagers with autism to make friends who share their interests.

It can also help them learn new skills and build confidence. Parents should be sure to provide plenty of encouragement and support as their children venture into the world of socializing. With some patience and persistence, parents can help their teenagers with autism connect with others and lead happy, fulfilling life. By providing opportunities for socialization, parents can help their children develop the skills they need to lead happy and successful lives.

Help With Homework and Life Skills

It can be difficult to help your teenager with autism with their homework and life skills. You may need to adjust how you help them, depending on their age and abilities.

For younger children, try breaking down tasks into smaller steps that they can understand. Offer encouragement and praise as they complete each step. If your child is older, you may need to provide more support and guidance. Help them develop a plan for completing their homework, and check in regularly to make sure they are on track. You also may need to help your teen with basic life skills such as grocery shopping or preparing meals. Break these tasks down into small steps, and offer plenty of encouragement along the way. 

Promote Self-Esteem

It is important for teenagers with autism to feel good about themselves. You can do this by praising them for their accomplishments and helping them develop skills that they are good at. Make sure that you focus on the things that your teenager does well, and don’t constantly criticize them. This will help them feel confident and happy.

Praising accomplishments and good behavior not only helps with self-esteem but also encourages more of the same. Conversely, when you criticize or punish bad behavior it can often have the opposite effect. It is important to remember that teenagers with autism are just that: teenagers! They will make mistakes, and they will push your buttons. By focusing on strengths/positive aspects, and promoting healthy self-esteem, we give our teenagers with autism the best chance for success.

Be Patient and Understanding

UnsplashTeensTalkingAutism can be a difficult condition for both the teenager and the parents. It is important to remember that everyone involved is doing their best and to be patient with each other. Try to understand what your teenager is going through, and be understanding of any difficulties they may be having. Remember that autism affects everyone differently, so do not expect things to go smoothly all the time.

No matter what you do as a parent, your teenager with autism is going to face some challenges. But by following these tips, you can help them overcome the difficulties that they may face during their teenage years. Remember to be patient and understanding, and don’t forget to seek out help from professionals when needed.

Also read:

5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

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Contact us if you have exhausted your local resources with your troubled teen. We help you make smart decisions for teen help programs, therapeutic boarding schools and other options for struggling teens.

The post Help for Teens with Autism first appeared on Help Your Teens.
