Teen Violence - Help Your Teens https://helpyourteens.com Wed, 17 Jan 2024 18:33:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://helpyourteens.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-PURE-logo-32x32.png Teen Violence - Help Your Teens https://helpyourteens.com 32 32 Why Is My Teen Quick to Anger and Rage https://helpyourteens.com/why-is-my-teen-quick-to-anger-and-rage/ Tue, 07 Sep 2021 10:32:03 +0000 https://www.helpyourteens.com/?p=16796 How do I handle teen anger and rage? My teen has a bad temper, quick to anger, rage and even destructive at times. Teenage anger is a normal part of adolescence and can be a healthy emotional response to outside stressors. Anger is a secondary emotion for teens as it often masks other underlying issues […]

The post Why Is My Teen Quick to Anger and Rage first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How do I handle teen anger and rage? My teen has a bad temper, quick to anger, rage and even destructive at times.

Teenage anger is a normal part of adolescence and can be a healthy emotional response to outside stressors. Anger is a secondary emotion for teens as it often masks other underlying issues including sadness, hurt, fear, and shame. When these underlying emotions become too much, a teen will often respond by lashing out.

“I don’t care what you say! I am doing what I want to do! I hate you and you just don’t want me to have fun!” “All my friends are allowed to stay out late– you are mean and want to ruin my life!” “You have no idea how I feel and you are only making it worse!”

Does this sound familiar?

angry teen girl-Is your teen entitled?
-Struggle with ADHD, ODD?
-Do they disrespect you?
-Do they backtalk you?
-Do they swear at you?
-Are they destructive in your home?
-Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells?

When a difficult teen is out of control, they only can hear themselves and what they want. It is usually their way or no way!

There are so many factors that can contribute to these feelings. The feelings are very real and should be addressed as soon as you see that your child is starting to run the household. Teen anger may lead to teen rage and teen violence which can soon destroy a family.

Anger is an emotion that is quite often challenging for teens and at times can be overwhelming. A teen who doesn’t know how to cope with angry feelings may feel a strong desire to act directly on these feelings, even when it puts them or others at risk.

Is your teen struggling with:

  • Depression (anxiety)
  • Internet or gaming addiction
  • Self-harm
  • Substance use (vaping)
  • Changing peer groups
  • Withdrawn, isolating from family and friends
  • Loss of interest in hobbies

These could be signs of your teenager is suffering with a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. It’s time to seek professional help from an adolescence therapist or school counselor.

Parents tell us constantly that they are looking for a boot camp to achieve their mission to make their teen pay for the pain they are putting the family through. In some cases this can create a violent teen.

We feel that when you place a negative child into a negative atmosphere, most children only gain resentment and more anger. We do not recommend  boot camps.

Also read:

5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Goals of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Why Therapeutic Boarding Schools Are Effective


P.U.R.E.™ believes in a positive peer culture for teen help to build your child back up from the helplessness they feel. Learn more about therapeutic boarding schools that offer enrichment programs such as animal assisted therapy to help young people learn coping skills for anger management.

Contact us today for a free consultation about how to find the right therapeutic boarding school for your teen.

The post Why Is My Teen Quick to Anger and Rage first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Teens, Violence and Guns https://helpyourteens.com/teens-violence-and-guns-whats-a-parents-responsibility/ Fri, 04 Sep 2015 11:33:15 +0000 http://www.helpyourteens.com/?p=4330 A 2014 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 34 percent of American households with children under the age of 12 have firearms.     It behooves gun enthusiasts to not only teach their children how to properly use firearms, but also be up to date on all the latest laws and treatises being […]

The post Teens, Violence and Guns first appeared on Help Your Teens.

A 2014 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 34 percent of American households with children under the age of 12 have firearms.



GunIt behooves gun enthusiasts to not only teach their children how to properly use firearms, but also be up to date on all the latest laws and treatises being discussed and passed by U.S. and state governments.


The following three tips will make you a more responsible gun owner and parent:


Second Amendment Discussion


There are many different reasons Americans choose to own firearms. Avid hunters typically like to own several shotguns and muzzleloaders. Former military men and women often carry over the hobby of taking apart and building firearms from scratch. But when explaining guns and self-defense to children, it’s usually best to stick to the laws and treatises of the land.


The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The aforementioned sentence has been dissected and re-interpreted perpetually since the Amendment was ratified in 1791. The law was passed after the Revolutionary War to guarantee Americans the right to defend themselves against tyrannical government entities.


The U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller, clarified the meaning of the Second Amendment once and for all in 2008. The court struck down a 32-year ban on handgun possession within the Washington D.C. city limits. The majority ruled that the ban violated Americans’ individual rights to bear arms. There are only five states left in the Union that prohibit open-carry all together after Texas legalized it for licensed gun owners this year.


Firearm Storage


Always keep your firearms locked away and out of the reach of children. There are plenty of options for gun safes that fit every budget. Emphasize to your children that they should never touch a firearm without your supervision. If you feel a gun is necessary in a nightstand or dresser drawer for protection, make sure it’s not loaded. Keep the safety engaged on all firearms while not in use.


Teaching Recreational Shooting


There is no right or wrong answer as to when you should start teaching your kids how to shoot. The National Shooting Sports Foundation highlighted the story of former Olympian Vincent Hancock who shot his first clay target at age five. He went on to win consecutive gold medals in skeet shooting at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2012 London Olympics.


Regardless of when you choose to introduce your children to shooting, there are some universal safety rules all parents need to follow:


  • Always keep the muzzle pointed downward when not intending to immediately shoot.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
  • Eye and ear protection are necessary to prevent hearing damage.


Firearms are as American as apple pie, so make sure you’re exercising your right to bear arms in a safe and responsible manner.


Keeping guns safe is a priority.  Is there a reason outside of recreational shooting that your teen is wanting a gun?  Mental health has become a major topic in our county when it comes to shootings.


Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

Read: Are Therapeutic Boarding Schools Effective?

Read: Where to Send My Troubled Teen.



If your teen is struggling emotionally, having feelings of suicidal or homicidal thoughts, get help immediately.  If they refuse local help or you feel it isn’t helping, please contact us for more information.

The post Teens, Violence and Guns first appeared on Help Your Teens.
