How to Help An Underachieving Teen Academically

How to Help An Underachieving Teen Improve School Performance

Do you have a teen who is struggling to keep up in school? You aren’t alone in feeling exasperated, especially if they are capable of better performance.

Good news: improving your child’s academic performance doesn’t necessarily require extra tutoring or intensive studying – some proactive steps can help them become an engaged and successful student. In this blog post, we’ll share tips on how to boost motivation and study habits for any underachieving teenager!

Understand why your kids are underperforming in school

UnsplashAcademicIf you’re like many parents, you might be trying to wrap your head around why your children are underperforming in school. Is there something going on beneath the surface? Could it be low self-esteem, a lack of motivation, or even something happening outside of the classroom that’s causing them to struggle?

All of these questions can keep our parental brains spinning, but it’s important to take an intentional approach and delve into what may be causing the problem. Take some time for introspection, plan a family meeting and open up the lines of communication with your teens. Getting on the same page could make all the difference.

Seeking professional help

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged when your teen is struggling in school. But rather than getting frustrated, seek professional help. Seek out a teacher, tutor or social worker who can offer extra support and guidance in tackling an assignment or building a strategy towards better grades. Additionally, you might think about hiring a professional writer to help reduce workloads and ease the effort it takes to complete homework. 

If that doesn’t work, you could read free psychology papers online and try to better understand their minds. Many times, kids might simply need attention. The extra time you create could be devoted to taking care of your hardworking youngster. You could also be spending quality time with them, and making sure they feel loved, listened to and supported. Seek help now and make sure the whole family feels its benefits.

Create a plan and set realistic goals with your teen

Setting up a plan and realistic goals with your teen may sound like the least enjoyable activity in the world. But teaching them how to set and reach their own milestones is an invaluable life lesson. When teens have ownership over their performance, they instinctively strive to do better. This can lead to greater self-fulfillment. Having a sense of responsibility over one’s academic or personal accomplishments teaches resilience and encourages self-belief. 

As a parent, you will no doubt want to provide guidance while also making sure that your teenager has an opportunity to learn. They should know how to manage their talents effectively. The best way to ensure this happens is by engaging in a discussion. This chat should involve setting achievable goals over time. Who knows? Maybe you will even find yourself taking on similar challenges with your child!

Make sure to provide praise for their successes, no matter how small

A pat on the back every now and then can go a long way for anyone. Make sure to give them recognition! Taking the time to show that their hard work is appreciated will often serve as positive reinforcement, encouragement, and provide motivation to do more of the same in the future. Who knows? Those kind words may be what they need to reach that next level of success.

Give your child space to study without distractions

There are moments when we want our kids to just sit down, be calm, and focus on the task at hand. For that, what could be more helpful than turning off the television and limiting phone use during homework time? By giving your child adequate space to study without any distractions, you are helping them become more effective. You are also helping them study and teaching them how they can manage themselves in general. 

Take some time to check in on their assignments and provide help when necessary

It can be hard to know exactly how our kids are doing in school. This, especially if they are struggling with something and don’t want to bother us. Taking some time to check in with them is a great way to show that you care. The best way to do it is by asking open-ended questions. This will give them an opportunity to elaborate on the material at hand. It will help them provide a better understanding of what is going on. Plus, it will make them feel listened to! This helps build a strong connection between parents and children. 

Focus on your child’s strengths

As parents, it can be natural to focus on the areas that need improvement in our children. But by paying attention to and emphasizing their strengths, we can do wonders for their self-confidence and overall success. Not only will your child feel more capable of tackling different tasks, but they’ll also learn transferable skills. They can later take these skills into any aspect of their life. 

Focusing on a person’s strengths has been proven beneficial to one’s academic achievement as well. This is why it should be an integral part of any parent’s strategy when raising a successful kid. With the right amount of encouragement and guidance along the way, you have the power to set your child up for success.


With all of these strategies in hand, parents now have the tools to help their teens become more successful and confident students. Working with your teen is a great opportunity not only to guide them through difficult subjects and assignments but also to create a deeper connection between the two of you. 

Every struggling student has something they excel at, whether it’s art, music, sports or writing – take the time to identify what makes them unique and special, and build on that! You don’t need to be an expert tutor or teacher to support your teen; sometimes just being there for them when they need emotional support can make all the difference. With dedication and perseverance from both sides, helping teenagers succeed in school is an achievable goal.

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