Online Safety - Help Your Teens Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:49:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Safety - Help Your Teens 32 32 5 Tips to Limit Your Teen’s Screen Time Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:39:46 +0000 Teenagers and smartphones are part of today’s generation that adults need to accept, but it doesn’t mean we don’t stop being parents. We must take steps to learn how to help our children manage these devices that seem to be causing a shift in young peoples’ mental health triggered by the overuse of social media. Nearly half of teens (46 percent) […]

The post 5 Tips to Limit Your Teen’s Screen Time first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Teenagers and smartphones are part of today’s generation that adults need to accept, but it doesn’t mean we don’t stop being parents. We must take steps to learn how to help our children manage these devices that seem to be causing a shift in young peoples’ mental health triggered by the overuse of social media.

Nearly half of teens (46 percent) are online almost constantly, while the majority of teens (96 percent) are using the internet every day.

In a new report by PEW Research Center, the majority of teens (72 percent) admitted they are happier and more peaceful when they are detached from their devices (screens). This is a contrast to the other almost half (44 percent) that say they feel anxious, upset, or lonely.

Whether the teen is feeling happier or anxious, both of these can be concerning since it goes back to the overuse of screen time that is causing them either not to have peace in their life or to have anxiety or even feel lonely.

5 Ways to Create a Smartphone Contract to Manage Screen Time

Creating a smartphone contract between you and your teen is an excellent way to teach your child about these rules and responsibilities, as well as the consequences for not seeing them through. Be sure you go over every item in your contract, giving your teen the opportunity to ask questions and even make suggestions.

These are 5 tips to limit screen-time in a smartphone contract:

1. Limiting notifications: Parents also need to be part of this. For every ring, buzz, whistle, or ding that your phone announces for each app notification, it can trigger a sense of anxiousness—the person feels like they need to check it immediately.

Your teen should be allowed three to five app notifications; this can help limit their screen time and their anxiety.

2. Having phone limits: Designate phone limits and stick to them (not easy, but necessary). According to the most recent PEW report, many parents and teens argue about screen time and devices. If you have a contract (agreement) in place, hopefully it could curb destructive conversations in the home.

What are healthy phone limits? According to Reid Health, for both adults and kids (outside of work and school) it should be an average of 2 hours. It’s probably safe to say that both adults and teens break that number.

3. Eating without electronics: This generation needs to have a better understanding of having a meal without distractions, especially when with friends (or family)—it’s simply disrespectful.

Whether you’re at home or in a restaurant, a no-device rule should always be implemented for both teens and parents.

4. Sleeping “safely”: As much as we want to trust our young people, they are drawn to their screens; night scrolling is real. It can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety, and your teen to lose valuable sleep. Eventually, their academic performance starts slipping and their attitude becomes flippant.

Implement in your contract a designated time at night that all devices are placed into your home safe or lockbox for the night. This will eliminate any temptation for endless texting, scrolling, or other needless social media engagement.

5. Having a social activity challenge: Interestingly, the PEW report shares that the majority of teens (69 percent) say smartphones make it easier for people their age to pursue hobbies and interests. It’s the positive side of screen time, but it’s also how we can take it offline.

Encourage your teen to get involved offline in their favorite hobby (activity) with friends (maybe some they have met online) after you have properly vetted them, rather than always conversing through screens.

In Conclusion

Do you think it’s too late to start a smartphone contract with your teenager? You would be wrong—yes, you may get some pushback, but studies have shown that teens want boundaries, they really want to get offline, and you can help them.

Also read:

How to Help Your Teen With Cyberbullying

How Cyberbullying Impacts A Teen’s Mental Health

How Much Is Too Much Screen Time for Teens

The post 5 Tips to Limit Your Teen’s Screen Time first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Help Your Teen Understand Sexting Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:22:46 +0000 In the digital age where everything is a click away–the lines between privacy and public display often blur. Among the many topics discussed, sexting stands out like a sore thumb. But is calling it “self-exploitation” the right term? Far from it.  Let’s dive deep and discover why this label is more problematic than it seems. […]

The post How to Help Your Teen Understand Sexting first appeared on Help Your Teens.

In the digital age where everything is a click away–the lines between privacy and public display often blur. Among the many topics discussed, sexting stands out like a sore thumb. But is calling it “self-exploitation” the right term? Far from it.  Let’s dive deep and discover why this label is more problematic than it seems.

How can we help our teen understand the risks of sexting?

Not Everything is Black and White

Sexting–at its core–is an intimate exchange. And sometimes, despite a parent’s best efforts to prevent such an act, a teen wanders into these waters. But the moment we label it as “self-exploitation,” we’re painting it with a broad brush–implying that those involved are fully aware they’re harming themselves. It’s like saying every teen who tries a skateboard wants to break a bone.

By oversimplifying the issue, we’re missing the chance to address the root causes and educate about the potential risks. Why is this crucial? To truly address an issue–understanding its depth and nuances is essential. If we overlook this–we might end up providing solutions that don’t fit the problem.

Drawing the Line

Every parent has faced the challenge of guiding their teen through the maze of growing up. In the digital age, this includes teaching them about the dos and don’ts of online sharing. When it comes to sharing private pictures, it’s crucial to emphasize that once an image is out there, it’s nearly impossible to reel it back in. It’s like letting a genie out of a bottle–exciting at first–but often fraught with unforeseen consequences.

Parents should teach their teens to always pause and think: “Would I be okay with everyone seeing this?” If there’s even a shred of doubt–it’s best to err on the side of caution. Why is this crucial? Teaching teens the importance of digital discretion not only protects them from potential harm but also equips them with the life skill of making informed choices. In a world where everything is instant–a moment’s reflection can make all the difference.

The Victim Blaming Game

When a private message becomes public, the sender becomes a victim. But by calling sexting “self-exploitation,” we’re basically saying it’s the sender’s fault–a classic case of putting the cart before the horse. Just because someone shares something private doesn’t mean they wanted the world to see. Why is this particularly important for parents of teens not to miss?

Pointing fingers at victims is not just unfair; it also deters them from seeking help or justice–however, this is exactly the time when the wisest move would be to see out a sexual harassment lawyer. In other words, if a teenager finds themselves in a situation like this (despite a parent’s best efforts), the secret is–a compassionate approach–as well as education on the matter–can make all the difference.

Why Parents Need to Be Extra Vigilant on Photo Sharing

Navigating the digital world as a parent is like walking on a tightrope. On one hand, you want to respect your teen’s privacy and independence. On the other hand, the stakes of a single slip-up in our digital-first society are incredibly high.

Parents need to be especially stringent about what kind of photos their teens share because–unlike words–pictures speak a thousand words–and sometimes in ways we never intended. Once a photo is shared online, it’s like a feather in the wind–you never know where it might land. It can be saved, shared, altered or even misused in harmful ways such as for cyberbullying, blackmail, or unauthorized distribution.

Apart from the immediate emotional and psychological implications for the teen, such incidents can also have long-lasting effects on their self-esteem, trust in relationships, and even future opportunities. In some cases, it might come back to haunt them in job applications or other significant life events. By being strict, parents are not just safeguarding their teen’s present but also protecting their future. It’s always better to be safe now than sorry later.

Also read:

Should You Read Your Teen’s Text Messages?

​How to Help My Teen Without Therapy?

The post How to Help Your Teen Understand Sexting first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Why It’s Important to Assess the Digital World’s Influence on Youth Mon, 18 Sep 2023 14:14:32 +0000 As the digital world continues to expand, so does its influence on young people. It is becoming increasingly important for parents, educators, and other adults in roles of authority to assess just how far this digital reach has gone when it comes to our youth. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have […]

The post Why It’s Important to Assess the Digital World’s Influence on Youth first appeared on Help Your Teens.

As the digital world continues to expand, so does its influence on young people. It is becoming increasingly important for parents, educators, and other adults in roles of authority to assess just how far this digital reach has gone when it comes to our youth.

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have become commonplace tools employed by young people everywhere; however, there are a number of serious issues concerning mental health and safety that arise out of extended usage.

Parental monitoring apps have also made it easier than ever before for guardians to keep tabs on their children’s activity online, but can these tools be exploited? In this blog post, we’ll explore why it is essential that the impact of technology and the internet on our children be assessed closely.

Digital World’s Impact on Youth Mental Health


As technology continues to evolve, its impact on younger generations is becoming increasingly apparent. The digital world has brought about new advancements and connectedness, but it also presents challenges when it comes to mental health.

From cyberbullying to social media pressure to online addiction, there are various factors that can negatively affect youth mental health in today’s digital age.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Many experts are exploring how technology can also be used positively to help young people cope with mental health challenges and improve their well-being. Understanding the impact of the digital world on youth mental health is crucial for parents, educators, and mental health professionals in order to provide the best support and guidance possible.

Protecting the Eyes of Youth

Online predators and cyberbullies aren’t the only threats that can arise from extended internet use. Young people’s eyes can also be damaged by extended exposure to blue light emitted from electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones, and computers. This is why it is essential for adults to research blue light filter glasses for kids and other products that can help protect their vision.

There are also a number of basic steps that adults can take to protect the eyes of young people, such as setting limits on screen time and encouraging them to rest their eyes after using devices for extended periods of time.

As parents, it is our responsibility to make sure our children are not overusing digital devices, so that they can ensure their physical and mental health remain intact.

How Technology is Changing the Way We Interact with Each Other

It’s no secret that technology is transforming the way we interact with each other. Social media platforms and messaging apps have changed the way young people communicate, and it’s important to assess how this shift in communication is impacting our youth.

Social media can be used for positive interaction and connection, but it can also lead to issues such as isolation or depression if not used in a responsible manner. It’s important for adults to discuss with young people the importance of maintaining healthy relationships, both online and offline.

It’s also essential to remember that digital interaction is not a substitute for real-life connection. Technology should be used to enhance relationships rather than replace them entirely. By having open conversations about the positive and negative aspects of technology, adults can help young people learn how to navigate the digital world in a responsible and respectful manner.

Exposing Kids to Positive Online Communities

As kids increasingly rely on technology for education, entertainment, and social interaction, it’s important to make sure their online experiences are positive and safe. One way to do that is by introducing them to positive online communities. These communities offer a space for kids to connect with others who share similar interests, passions, and goals.

They can also serve as a source of support, encouragement, and inspiration. Exposure to these types of communities can help kids develop social skills, expand their knowledge, and broaden their horizons. By connecting with others who are passionate about the same things, kids can discover new ideas, gain confidence, and have fun while exploring the digital world.

In the rapidly evolving digital world, it’s clear that technology’s influence on youth is profound and multifaceted. From their mental health to the way they interact with others, the digital world significantly shapes the experiences of young people today. While there are certainly challenges associated with this influence, there are also opportunities.

By understanding and addressing the negative impacts, while also leveraging the positive aspects such as opportunities for learning and connection, we can help ensure that our youth navigate the digital world safely and successfully. It’s our collective responsibility as parents, educators, and society as a whole to guide the youth of today in harnessing the potential of technology and the internet for their growth, well-being, and future success.

Also read:
How Screen Time Can Impact Teenage Mental Health

How Cyberbullying Affect Teen Mental Health

The post Why It’s Important to Assess the Digital World’s Influence on Youth first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Teach Your Teen to Use Gadgets Responsibly Wed, 30 Aug 2023 10:46:27 +0000 There’s an ongoing debate among parents on how to raise a new generation of kids who were born into the digital age, with many of these kids considered “digital natives.”  One side comprises parents who would rather cut off the use of technology during a child’s earliest development stages, raising their young children as if […]

The post How to Teach Your Teen to Use Gadgets Responsibly first appeared on Help Your Teens.

There’s an ongoing debate among parents on how to raise a new generation of kids who were born into the digital age, with many of these kids considered “digital natives.” 

One side comprises parents who would rather cut off the use of technology during a child’s earliest development stages, raising their young children as if gadgets and screen time didn’t exist. On the other end are parents who believe in the optimised use of technologies.

Such parents typically wish to harness technology’s potential for their children’s learning experiences, as the latter can adequately prepare kids for a future driven by tech like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.


In a smart city like Singapore, technology solutions are leveraged in almost all aspects of life, including children’s education. But many kids from the age of one and up may be exceeding the recommended screen time set by governing bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO). Organizations like the WHO have warned parents about the consequences of excessive tech consumption among children, which include lack of sleep, depressive symptoms, and other interferences to a teen’s healthy development.

As a parent who wants the best for their children, the onus is on you to moderate your child’s exposure to technology in a way that’s appropriate to their age and level of development. One effective way to do so is to teach your child how to use their gadgets productively and responsibly.

The Benefits of Responsible Gadget Use

First, it’s important to recognise the positive aspects of technology in children’s lives. Responsible gadget use can foster curiosity in children, enhance their problem-solving skills, and encourage creative thinking. 

Even with cheap phones Singapore students can access the internet to help them with their homework and research requirements. In addition, educational apps and digital resources provide avenues for children to explore new concepts and ideas independently. If they use the power of technology responsibly, children can develop essential digital literacy skills that will serve them well in an increasingly digital world.

Building a Foundation for Responsible Gadget Use

That said, boundaries and guidelines for gadget use will serve as the cornerstones of responsible digital interaction. Parents should lead their families in creating a gadget usage plan that includes specific rules for meal times, study hours, bedtime, and other daily routines. Moreover, clear communication of expectations and consequences ensures that children understand the importance of responsible gadget use and follow the rules even when their parents aren’t watching.

Encouraging open communication between parents and kids is also pivotal when it comes to nurturing responsible gadget use. Parents should strive to foster an environment where children feel comfortable sharing their online experiences and concerns.

Family members should also engage in regular conversations about online safety, etiquette, and potential challenges. Addressing misconceptions and dispelling myths will help parents empower their children to make informed decisions and be proactive about watching out for their safety in the digital realm.

Below are some specific suggestions for parents to build a foundation for responsible gadget use within their families: 

1) Teach Kids about Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is a fundamental skill for the modern age. Help your child understand how to identify reliable sources of information and critically evaluate online content. For instance, you can teach them online research skills, like identifying sites you can trust for local and international news and other information.

2) Promote Cyberbullying Awareness

Next, raise awareness about cyberbullying. Discuss its implications, and provide guidance on recognizing and responding to such behavior. More importantly, instill in your child the value of being empathetic and kind online, making them responsible for respectful and supportive approaches in their digital interactions.

3) Emphasise the Importance of Privacy

Teach your child about the significance of safeguarding personal information online. Explain the risks associated with sharing sensitive details and guide them when setting privacy settings on various platforms. It’s critical for children to understand the importance of privacy so that they can protect themselves from online threats, even when you’re not there.

4) Lead by Example

Teens learn by observing and modelling the behaviour of the adults around them. Model responsible gadget use by adhering to the rules you’ve established. Your actions will speak volumes and influence your child’s approach to technology.

5) Set Screen Time Limits

Tailor screen time limits to your child’s age and developmental stage. While it’s essential to embrace technology’s benefits, you should also aim to strike a balance between screen time and other activities that foster physical, cognitive, and social development.

6) Promote Quality Content

Encourage your teen to engage with educational apps, games, and content that stimulate their learning and creativity. By promoting quality content, you’ll enhance your children’s interactions with their gadgets while minimising mindless scrolling.

7) Designate Gadget-Free Areas

Identify specific areas in your home where gadgets are not allowed, such as the dining room or bedrooms. These designated gadget-free zones will encourage rest from screen time and, in the case of the dining room, authentic family interactions and communication during meals. 

8) Establish Gadget-Free Moments


You can also establish specific routines for gadget-free moments, such as family meals and outings. Embrace the opportunity to engage with one another without distractions, thus strengthening your bond as a family. 

9) Encourage Your Kids to Pursue Offline Hobbies and Activities

In the pursuit of a well-rounded childhood, encourage your child to explore offline hobbies and activities that nurture their creativity, physical activity, and social interaction levels. From outdoor play to artistic pursuits, these diversified experiences beyond screens will enrich your child’s development.

10) Install and Use Parental Control Tools or Kid-Friendly Apps on Gadgets

Lastly, one practical way that you can monitor your child’s online activity is to install parental control apps or kid-friendly versions of popular apps. These tools can ensure that your children are in a safe online environment and consuming content that’s appropriate for their age. 

In a world saturated with technology, nurturing responsible gadget use among children is of paramount importance. Set clear rules, have an open line of communication, and more importantly, abide by the best practices you want your kids to follow. Through proactive engagement and consistent guidance, parents can help their children navigate the digital landscape with confidence and a sense of responsibility.

Also read:

The Impact of Cyberbullying on Teenage Mental Health

Why Teens Are Secretive About Their Online Lives

The post How to Teach Your Teen to Use Gadgets Responsibly first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Communicate with Teens Effectively to Ensure Online Safety Tue, 08 Aug 2023 14:38:36 +0000 Is your teen attached to social media or as many young people obsessed with online gaming? How can you communicate with your teenager effectively to ensure their safety in the digital world? As a parent of a teenager who loves video games, I understand the excitement and concerns that come with their virtual adventures. The […]

The post How to Communicate with Teens Effectively to Ensure Online Safety first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Is your teen attached to social media or as many young people obsessed with online gaming? How can you communicate with your teenager effectively to ensure their safety in the digital world?

As a parent of a teenager who loves video games, I understand the excitement and concerns that come with their virtual adventures. The digital landscape provides a rich platform for social interaction and entertainment, but it also introduces potential risks.

Ensuring a safe online gaming experience for our teens requires open communication, trust and understanding. In this blog post, I’ll share some valuable insights and strategies on how to communicate effectively with your teenagers to foster a safer online gaming environment.

Initiate Honest Conversations

Effective communication starts with honest and open conversations. Sit down with your teenager and express your interest in their gaming experiences. Instead of approaching the topic with skepticism or judgment, demonstrate genuine curiosity about their virtual world. Ask them about the games they play, their online friends and the virtual communities they participate in.

By showing interest, you create a sense of trust and encourage them to share more about their gaming activities. It’s important to create a positive relationship with your teen that lets them know that they can talk to you about what’s going on in their virtual world. It’s likely that at one point or another, they will run into a situation that requires your help and ensuring that they can come to you to speak openly about the issue will help them. 

Be Informed about Video Games

To communicate effectively with your teenager about video games, it’s essential to understand the video games they play. Take the time to research the games they are interested in, and try to experience them firsthand if possible. One great resource is the Family Gaming Database. It is likely that your child will ask you before buying a game, so take that time to learn the game before they do.

Whether it’s Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft or League of Legends, the more you know the better! This will not only give you insight into the content and mechanics of the games but also provide common ground for discussions. Engaging in conversations about specific game features or challenges can make it easier to broach sensitive topics related to online safety.

Establish Clear Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries is crucial to ensuring a safe online gaming experience for your teenager. Together, define rules for gaming sessions, including time limits, appropriate gaming content and guidelines for interacting with other players. This is a good time to talk to your child about any type of parental controls or monitoring software you may want to put in place. Explain your reasons behind these rules, emphasizing the importance of balancing online activities with other responsibilities and offline activities.

Once they understand the rationale, they will be more likely to respect the boundaries you’ve set. When it comes to monitoring software, ProtectMe by Kidas monitors in-game voice and text communication in over 200 video games on Windows computers and alerts parents of any dangers their child comes in contact with while playing. Not only do you receive alerts, but you receive recommendations on how to talk to your child about the threat which helps to strengthen the lines of communication between you and your teen.

Educate your child about Online Safety

Teens can sometimes be unaware of the potential dangers lurking in the digital realm. Educate your teenager about online safety and emphasize the significance of safeguarding personal information. Remind them to never share personal details like their full name, address or phone number with strangers online. Encourage them to use strong and unique passwords for gaming accounts to protect against unauthorized access. The last thing your child will want to deal with is a stolen gaming account!

Encourage Responsible Gaming

Teaching your teenager about responsible gaming habits can lead to a safer online experience. Discuss the importance of taking breaks, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. Prolonged gaming sessions can lead to physical and mental health issues, so it’s essential to emphasize the significance of moderation.

Address Cyberbullying, Toxic Behavior and Online Predators

Online gaming communities are not immune to cyberbullying and toxic behavior. In fact, toxic gamers, cyberbullies and online predators are lurking in many games and gaming communication apps. Discuss these issues with your teenagers and encourage them to speak up if they encounter such behavior.

Ensure they are aware of tactics online predators are using to contact children and teens online. Teach them to be an upstander when they witness cyberbullying. Teach them to report inappropriate content or harassment to the game administrators or you, so you can address the situation together. ProtectMe by Kidas monitors for cyberbullying, toxic behavior, online predators and more. 

Foster Empathy and Respect

Help your teenager understand the impact of their words and actions online. Encourage empathy and respect for other players, emphasizing that there are real people behind the screens. Remind them that their behavior can positively or negatively affect someone’s gaming experience. By cultivating empathy, you promote a more inclusive and enjoyable gaming community.

Stay Updated on Gaming Trends

The gaming landscape is constantly evolving, and new games and platforms emerge frequently. Stay informed about the latest gaming trends and developments to maintain a relevant conversation with your teenager. Being aware of the games they’re interested in allows you to stay engaged and involved in their gaming experiences.

Have Fun Playing Together

Bonding with your teenager over their favorite video games can be a rewarding experience. Play together occasionally, and participate in their gaming adventures. This shared activity not only strengthens your relationship but also provides opportunities to observe their gaming habits firsthand.

Navigating the world of online gaming with your teenager requires proactive communication and understanding. By initiating open conversations, setting clear boundaries, educating about online safety and fostering empathy, you can ensure a safer and more enjoyable gaming experience for your teenager. Remember to stay informed about gaming trends and, most importantly, be a supportive and engaged parent in their digital journey. 

ProtectMe by Kidas offers a 14-day free trial. Talk to your teen about how ProtectMe can help keep them safe and use the resources to manage threats and to stay up to date on all things gaming. Together, you can create a safer online gaming environment for your teens while respecting their love for virtual adventures.

Guest post by Kidas.

P.U.R.E.™ does not receive compensation from Kidas.

The post How to Communicate with Teens Effectively to Ensure Online Safety first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Sext Education with Your Teen Sun, 28 May 2023 17:14:51 +0000 Have you had the sext talk with your teenager?   Did you know that according to research, one out of five parents send sexual and/or intimate images of each other (considered sexting)?   Of course we aren’t judging parents, we only need to understand that teens are experiencing and experimenting with their sexuality, however at their […]

The post Sext Education with Your Teen first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Have you had the sext talk with your teenager?


SextingDid you know that according to research, one out of five parents send sexual and/or intimate images of each other (considered sexting)?


Of course we aren’t judging parents, we only need to understand that teens are experiencing and experimenting with their sexuality, however at their age, there could be potential legal consequences. It’s never too late to start your sext chat offline to be safer online.


Tito de Morais, The Internet Safety Guy, recently said in a forum, “Kids that are at risk offline will be at risk online, as questionable conduct in the physical and digital world is not mutually exclusive.” After collaborating on several other articles, including the “Cyber-Shield” series, I was thrilled to be a part of Sue Scheff’s most recent contribution to the Huffington Post, Sext Education: Sexting = Cyberbullying. Together, we believe in making a difference by educating students, teachers, parents, and communities about cyberbullying prevention.


In the recent article, we discuss the implications of sexting among teens, and how sexting and cyberbullying = are essentially one and the same. Because of the evolving nature of the online realm, sexting isn’t just confined to text messages: teens are able to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social networks to spread sexually illicit messages.


SextingAlertParents and other adults can make a difference when it comes to building awareness of sexting’s dangers, and it all starts with having the “sext chat” with your children. Here are five tips to get this conversation started:


  1. Start talking: Use current news stories to spark conversation with your kids. Make it relevant to their lives. A recent journal Pediatrics study on teens that sext is a good tool to review.
  2. Just do it: There might never be an optimal time to get the gears moving on the sext talk, so it’s crucial to hunker down, move past any embarrassment, and bring up the topic.
  3. Make it real: Pose the question, “How would you feel if your grandma or grandpa saw that picture message?” We’re all accountable for our actions online and off, even though that notion slips by many teenagers these days.
  4. Address peer pressure: Emphasize that it’s OK for your child to be their own person and not worry about what their peers are doing, especially in regards to sexting.
  5. Give them control: Encourage your children to make the right decisions when they receive a sext. They have the ability to stop the communication right in its tracks.


Contributor: Mike Miles formerly managed social media at SmartSign, a New York City based ecommerce sign retailer and creator of #TakeNoBullies, an anti-cyberbullying and digital responsibility campaign, through its site MySecuritySign. Mike is passionate about writing, digital citizenship, and advocating for a safer internet.


Read: How Cyberbullying Effects Teenage Mental Health.



If you are struggling with your teenager and have exhausted your local resources, learn more about how residential treatment can help your teen make better choices. Contact us today for  a free consultation.

The post Sext Education with Your Teen first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Protecting My Teen From Being Catfished Fri, 02 Dec 2022 14:04:34 +0000 Parenting teenagers today is challenging — it is not only about their lives offline, but now parents need to be fully aware of their digital activity. How can you protect your teen from being catfished?  We have heard the horror stories of cyberbullying over the past several years, and they never get easier to hear. Catfishing is an extended […]

The post Protecting My Teen From Being Catfished first appeared on Help Your Teens.


Parenting teenagers today is challenging — it is not only about their lives offline, but now parents need to be fully aware of their digital activity. How can you protect your teen from being catfished? 

We have heard the horror stories of cyberbullying over the past several years, and they never get easier to hear. Catfishing is an extended branch of online harassment that takes cruelty to a new level. The tragedy in Riverside California is a cruel reminder of the dark-side of the web and why parents must constantly be in touch with their child’s online activity.

PexelTeenGirlOnline2Peer pressure is nothing new; however today our teens are not only judged in the hallways at school. The pressures and subsequent feelings can now be magnified a thousand times over through computer and cell phone screens.

What hasn’t changed is that everyone still wants to be liked and recognized. In our society, sadly, being liked – especially among teens – has become somewhat synonymous with how many hearts, clicks or thumbs ups one can collect online. It’s a popularity race that can quickly turn to the dark side.

Today, teens can become victims of humiliation while quietly sitting in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Peer cruelty is especially devastating when it goes viral for everyone to see, and has even been linked to teenage depression

It can be even worse when you discover that your teen has been duped online, also known as catfishing. This can be extremely devastating for not only adults, but especially young people.

What is Catfish? (Besides the obvious literal answer of being a type of fish.): Urban Dictionary’s most popular answer defines a catfish as: “someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.”

It is important to understand the damage that cyberbullying, stalking and harassment can cause, or the emotional turmoil a person can go through when they are a victim of a ruse like Catfish. Most kids are still under the belief that it won’t happen to them; they are invincible. I would venture to say some parents believe that too.

Why do parents need to discuss Catfish and other stories of online dangers? A Florida sex sting operation with over fifty men arrested is a perfect example of why the lines of communication need to be open between parents and children. These sexual predators targeted children online and posed as teens when in reality they were teachers, businessmen, students and tourists ranging in age from 19 to 60.

Expert Advice

Chris Duque, a former Police Detective who has been studying online predators for over thirty years, has created false personas to lure these types of suspects.” It’s easy to be duped online, very easy,” Duque said. “The thing with the Internet is your five senses are somewhat limited and what you see online may not be what you’re really going to get.”

This may seem like common sense to many, however when adults and kids are desperate for friendship, they will let their guard down. Duque continues, “If you go online, you’re vulnerable because the perpetrators will know there’s something dysfunctional about you emotionally and psychologically, and they’ll prey on that.”

Catfish, sextortion, sexual predators, cyberbullying, cyber-stalking and other dangers we face online are not going away anytime soon, and we need to continuously talk to our kids about internet safety and privacy issues. As parents, we should make it a priority to teach our kids the importance of watching their language and how they interact with others online — that respecting others both in person and online goes hand and hand. This lesson should start from the moment a child is given a keypad of any kind.

Online Safety Tips

•Never post questionable comments or photos that can come back to haunt you. Limit your sharing on social media.

•Talk to your kids (especially tweens and teens) about speaking to strangers online — the fact is, they shouldn’t be speaking to online strangers. Period. Set up boundaries, show them examples of how Internet predators’ prey on children AND adults (such as the Catfish story). Kids can relate better to real-life stories–share them.

•Limit the personal information they are allowed to put online. Their address, phone number, full name, financial information, etc. should never be allowed — ever.

•Never share their passwords with anyone (except their parents).

•Parents and teens: It is never too late to start building and maintaining your online reputation. Make sure it is a positive one.

•Secure your privacy settings on all your social networking sites. Repeat this weekly.

Remind your kids and teens over and over, they should never meet anyone in real life they have meet online — especially without telling their parents. Communication is key for keeping your teens and kids safe. Short chats can build strong relationships and trust. It’s never too late to start.

Also read:

How Boxing Helps Teenager Mental Health.

How Cyberbullying Causes Poor School Performance.


If you are struggling with your troubled teenager and are considering a therapeutic boarding school, contact us for a free consultation. Since 2001 we have been helping parents find the right boarding schools for their teenagers.

The post Protecting My Teen From Being Catfished first appeared on Help Your Teens.

ReThink the Internet Thu, 16 Jun 2022 13:25:25 +0000 What is a good book for teens that are online a lot?   A new book, ReThink the Internet, by Trisha Prabhu is a must have (read) for all tweens and teens!   Yes, parents absolutely should read it too! It’s time to:   Stop hate. Promote Kindness. Be an Upstander. ReThink the Internet.   […]

The post ReThink the Internet first appeared on Help Your Teens.

What is a good book for teens that are online a lot?


A new book, ReThink the Internet, by Trisha Prabhu is a must have (read) for all tweens and teens!



Yes, parents absolutely should read it too! It’s time to:


Stop hate. Promote Kindness. Be an Upstander.
ReThink the Internet.


Do you have to ask someone’s permission before posting their photo?
How can you tell if something on the internet is true?
What should you do if you see someone bullying a friend online (or #IRL)?


In a series of fun stories, innovator, inventor, social entrepreneur and upstanding digital citizen, Trisha Prabhu, goes through the hows, the whats, an the whys of digital citizenship, showing readers how to lead with kindness and stop internet hate.


For people who are just getting their first phone to others who have been scrolling, swiping, clicking and posting for years, this book makes us all think what our role is in the digital world and how, together, we can make it a force for good.




Many young people today are attached to their phones, devices and especially their social media. The truth is, technology is not going way, we need to help our children to navigate the digital world safely and respectfully. Just because we are behind a screen doesn’t give us a right to be mean or inconsiderate to others. ReThink the Internet is the perfect guide to help young people manage their online world.


Take a moment to watch Trisha’s empowering TEDx Teen Talk:


If your teen is a victim of bullying or cyberbullying (or possibly is the bully) and they are emotionally struggling, and you have exhausted your local resources — contact us to learn about the benefits of residential treatment for teen that are hurting.

The post ReThink the Internet first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Learn About Your Teen’s Online Life Fri, 10 Jun 2022 19:43:54 +0000 What is my teen doing on their social media? How do I learn what my teen is doing online? The internet is evolving on a daily basis, wait, it’s actually changing minute by minute, and it can be a perfect excuse for parents to say — they simply can’t keep up! What they are forgetting […]

The post How to Learn About Your Teen’s Online Life first appeared on Help Your Teens.

What is my teen doing on their social media? How do I learn what my teen is doing online?

The internet is evolving on a daily basis, wait, it’s actually changing minute by minute, and it can be a perfect excuse for parents to say — they simply can’t keep up!

What they are forgetting is, for parents, staying in touch with technology updates and your teen’s social behavior online — is now part of parenting today. In other words, you don’t have an option – your teen’s online life is a priority.

PexelTeenParentPhoneWe often talk about how schools need to implement cyber-civics, and I couldn’t agree more. The gap lies with the parents.

Frequently I hear from schools and tech experts, one of the hardest things to do is getting parents involved – it’s a challenge motivating parents to attend workshops or conferences about digital parenting. Many schools will report that the turnout is typically low.

Sadly, it usually takes a small town making national news for unlikely events, or worse a headline like that of the young teen that took her life in front of her family – to give parents a moment of pause. However, it’s all too soon before that pause becomes just another day. Most parents believe these things could never happen to them – or their community.

In a Common Sense Census, Plugged In Parents of Tweens and Teens, it uncovered that parents spend an average of nine hours with social media daily and the vast amount of that time is spent with personal screen media. Interestingly seventy-eight percent of the parents surveyed believe they are good technology role models for their children. Are they?

Do parents need to be reminded of social etiquette?

Like our kids, grown-ups seems to be digitally connected the majority of a day too. We want our children to be involved in digital literacy classes, yet who are we learning from?

  • Are you disconnecting when talking to your friends?
  • Are you minding your cyber-manners when leaving comments on social media?
  • Are you asking permission before posting pictures of friends or relatives?
  • Are you unplugging during mealtime?
  • Are you texting and driving?

Getting interested in your teen’s online life

For most parents, they are overwhelmed with all these new apps, live streaming, sites and technology that seem to have no boundaries – and definitely never ending. It’s time for parents to jump on board – there may never be a day you will master every app or how to Snap, Tweet or even TicTok, however you must be a parent that is interested in learning about all of it. Why? Because your teens are.

You’re never too old to learn, even when it comes to technology.

L Listen to your teens. You may be plugged into your own device, but you must detach from your cyber-place long enough to hear about where the teens are trending online. There are many places virtually that adults (especially parents) could be unaware of. This is not about being nosey, it’s about being a parent. Are they talking about people they are meeting in chatrooms you are not familiar with? Ask about it – safety always trumps privacy. 

EEngage in conversations with your teens about social media sites – online. Yes, go online with your teen and have them explain firsthand how to use apps you may fear or want to learn more about. This is about learning what apps your teen is using too and how they use them. They don’t have to be long conversations, short chats can be more helpful than longer ones. Your teen may actually keep the conversation going longer since it’s a topic they are excited about.

A – Actively learn about new cyber-security measures to share with your family. For example how Instagram updated their features by adding a resource to flag posts that are potentially offensive. As many parents realize, when it comes to harmful and hateful content online, teenagers may not always be forthright in sharing these negative experiences. Be sure they are familiar with how to report and block digital harassment on all their social platforms.

RReach-out to other parents, relatives and friends. Share and learn from each other about cyber safety, apps and discuss what their teens are doing online. Chances are good – your teen is also using the same sites. With the rise in online drug sales, know the warning signs, talk to each other. Never assume bad things can’t happen to good people. 

NNever stop being interested. Think of it like your teen’s sports or dance team. I know most parents wouldn’t miss these events – and they change their schedules to make them happen. With teenagers, their online social life as become priority for many of them — which means parents need to be aware of what they are doing in these virtual playgrounds, who they are hanging with — and be curious (interested) in their online life as you would their offline one.

How will you get started in learning about your teen’s online life?

Read: How to Give Your Teen Tools to Prevent Cyberbullying.

Read: The Impact of Cybebullying On Teenager Mental Health.


Is your teen addicted to gaming? Attached to their devices and social media? Are you struggling to get the involved offline? Have you exhausted your local resources — learn more about the benefits of residential treatment for teen help and your family. Contact us for a free consultation.

Image provided by Pexels.

The post How to Learn About Your Teen’s Online Life first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Raising Humans In A Digital World Thu, 05 May 2022 20:43:50 +0000 How can I keep my teen safe online? Raising Humans In A Digital World: Helping Teens Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology   Sexting, cyberbullying, revenge porn, online predators… all of these potential threats can tempt parents to snatch the smartphone or tablet right out of their children’s hands. While avoidance might eliminate the dangers, […]

The post Raising Humans In A Digital World first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How can I keep my teen safe online? Raising Humans In A Digital World: Helping Teens Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology


Sexting, cyberbullying, revenge porn, online predators… all of these potential threats can tempt parents to snatch the smartphone or tablet right out of their children’s hands. While avoidance might eliminate the dangers, that approach also means your child misses out on technology’s many benefits and opportunities.

RaisingHumansFinal 1

Raising Humans in a Digital World (Harper Collins 2019) is a must read for all parents of connected tweens and teens.


Cybercivics teacher and author, Diana Graber, brilliantly shares with her readers how digital kids (tweens and teens) must learn to navigate through today’s online environment:


  • developing social-emotional skills
  • balancing virtual and real life
  • building safe and healthy relationships
  • avoiding cyberbullies and online predators
  • protecting personal information
  • identifying and avoiding fake news and questionable content
  • becoming positive role models and leaders.


This book is packed with at-home discussion topics and enjoyable activities that any busy family can slip into their daily routine.


Full of practical tips grounded in academic research and hands-on experience, today’s parents finally have what they’ve been waiting for—a guide to raising digital kids and teens who will become the positive and successful leaders our world desperately needs.


Sign-up for Cyberwise free podcasts!

Order your copy today.

Read: How Much Is Too Much Screen Time.

Diana Graber on the Today Show.



If you are struggling with your teenager’s internet addiction and have exhausted your local resources, learn more about how residential treatment can help your troubled teen through developing a healthy relationship with technology. Contact us today for a free consultation.

The post Raising Humans In A Digital World first appeared on Help Your Teens.
