Teen Driving - Help Your Teens https://helpyourteens.com Tue, 14 May 2024 18:42:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://helpyourteens.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-PURE-logo-32x32.png Teen Driving - Help Your Teens https://helpyourteens.com 32 32 How to Help a Teen After Their First Car Accident https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-help-a-teen-after-their-first-car-accident/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 16:57:27 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=45233 Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming event, especially for teenagers who are new to driving. As a parent, guardian, or mentor, knowing how to support and guide a teen after their first car accident is crucial for their physical and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical steps and […]

The post How to Help a Teen After Their First Car Accident first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming event, especially for teenagers who are new to driving. As a parent, guardian, or mentor, knowing how to support and guide a teen after their first car accident is crucial for their physical and emotional well-being.

In this blog post, we’ll explore practical steps and strategies to help teens navigate the aftermath of a car accident, emphasizing the importance of providing reassurance, guidance, and resources during this challenging time.

Ensure Safety and Medical Attention

The immediate priority after a car accident is to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved. If your teen is involved in a car accident, instruct them to stay calm and check for injuries. If there are any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem, encourage your teen to seek medical attention promptly. Even if injuries are not apparent, it’s advisable to undergo a medical evaluation to rule out any underlying issues.

Stay Calm and Provide Emotional Support

After the initial shock of the accident subsides, it’s essential to provide emotional support and reassurance to your teen. Remain calm and composed, and listen attentively to their feelings and concerns.

Acknowledge their emotions and validate their experiences, letting them know that it’s normal to feel shaken up after a car accident. Reassure your teen that accidents happen, and what’s most important is their safety and well-being.

Contact Authorities and Exchange Information

Instruct your teen to contact the appropriate authorities, such as law enforcement or emergency services, to report the accident. Encourage them to exchange information with the other parties involved, including names, contact details, insurance information, and vehicle registration numbers. Remind your teen to avoid admitting fault or making any statements that could be used against them later.

Document the Accident Scene

Encourage your teen to document the accident scene by taking photographs or videos of the vehicles involved, any visible damage, road conditions, and surrounding areas. Documenting the scene can provide valuable evidence for insurance claims and legal proceedings. Additionally, advise your teen to collect contact information from any witnesses who may have observed the accident.

Notify Insurance Company and Legal Representation

Once the immediate aftermath of the accident is addressed, assist your teen in notifying their insurance company about the incident. Provide them with guidance on how to file a claim and what information to provide to the insurance adjuster. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, you may also consider consulting with a qualified car accident attorney in Kansas City  to explore your legal options and protect your teen’s rights.

Follow-Up Care and Support

In the days and weeks following the accident, continue to provide ongoing support and assistance to your teen as they navigate the aftermath. Encourage them to attend any follow-up medical appointments and adhere to any treatment recommendations.

Monitor their emotional well-being and offer opportunities for open communication and reflection on the accident. Additionally, consider enrolling your teen in a defensive driving course or additional driver education programs to help them feel more confident behind the wheel.

By prioritizing safety, providing emotional support, documenting the accident scene, and seeking appropriate medical and legal assistance, you can help your teen navigate the aftermath of a car accident with resilience and confidence. 

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The post How to Help a Teen After Their First Car Accident first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Teach Your Teen Responsible Driving Habits https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-teach-your-teen-responsible-driving-habits/ Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:06:32 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=45113 Every parent worries about their teens learning to drive. While these concerns are natural – and indeed, the risks are real – you can help mitigate them by taking concrete actions when your teen is learning to drive. In this article, we will describe a series of specific measures that you can take to help […]

The post How to Teach Your Teen Responsible Driving Habits first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Every parent worries about their teens learning to drive. While these concerns are natural – and indeed, the risks are real – you can help mitigate them by taking concrete actions when your teen is learning to drive.

In this article, we will describe a series of specific measures that you can take to help your teen learn safe driving practices. It will also help to ameliorate your own fears about the dangers your teen faces on the road.

Lead by Example

It might sound trite, but it is true: Your kids will emulate your behavior. So if you practice irresponsible driving habits yourself, your teens will be likely to do the same. This applies not only to drinking and driving but also to all manner of other irresponsible habits: texting while driving, using a phone in states where it is illegal, disobeying the rules of the road, etc. Even being temperamental towards other drivers will make you appear reckless. And be sure to wear your seatbelt!

Be conscientious about your own driving habits and drive the way you would want your kids to. If you do, they will be much more likely to drive responsibly themselves.

Start Early

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should start teaching your teen responsible habits as early as possible. If you wait until they have already started driving, they can start developing bad habits that will be difficult to reverse.

You should start talking to your teen even before the driving process begins. Lay down ground rules that they need to follow and make clear what the consequences will be if they neglect to do so.

Enroll in a Driver’s Education Course

Enrolling your teen in a driver’s education course is essential for them to learn correct driving habits. Every state offers driver education programs, and you should check with the ones in your community to ensure that they meet the proper standards.

Among the things that you should look for is a graduated driver licensing (GDL) system, which is a three-stage system for providing licenses. These programs have a proven statistical record of helping to reduce the number of accidents that teens get into. Parents should not rely on these programs alone, though; it is also essential that they take an active role in their teens’ learning process.

Utilize Technology

Many technologies are being developed that are helping to ensure safety on the road. In addition to things that have become standardized in recent decades, such as airbags, there are also new tools available that can help keep new drivers safe on the road. These include:

  • Blind-Spot Detection. People rushing to change lanes and not noticing someone in their blind spot is a common problem. Certain cars come equipped to alert drivers when someone is in their blind spot.
  • Anti-Lock Brakes. These can be useful to prevent brakes from locking if you have to stop suddenly. They are becoming more standardized with newer models of cars.
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS). These systems will alert you when your tire pressure is getting low.
  • Earlier Low-Fuel Warning. This is a system that alerts drivers when they are 75 miles to empty, rather than 50 miles as had previously been the standard.
  • Car Insurance for Young Drivers. You should be sure to get the right coverage so that you know you’ll be compensated in the event of an accident.

Limit Night Driving

It is a fact that night driving is significantly more dangerous than daytime driving. And the statistics prove it: teens are three times more likely to have nighttime driving accidents than adults are. Driving in the dark is particularly risky for new drivers as they are not yet familiar with dangerous conditions, can become nervous easily, or do not know how to handle rough roads.

Therefore, it is a good idea to limit teens’ night driving as much as possible. And when your teen does drive at night, it is advisable to have an experienced driver in the car if possible.

Emphasize Defensive Driving

It is important to emphasize defensive driving during the learning phases for a new driver. Defensive driving is the practice of driving with an eye for potentially dangerous situations on the road. If you practice defensive driving, it means that you remain fully alert in difficult conditions or in situations where other drivers might make mistakes, and remain prepared to handle potential problems.

Defensive driving requires practice. It is only through experiencing real-world situations that you learn how to react correctly in difficult circumstances. Therefore, experienced drivers should accompany teens when learning to drive in tough conditions.

Discuss the Dangers of Impaired Driving

It is impossible to overstate the dangers of driving while impaired. The risk of causing accidents while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is multiple times higher than for sober drivers.

Parents should establish zero tolerance for impaired driving and be prepared to enforce punishments if their teens violate the rules. They should make it clear to their teens that the practice is not only dangerous but could lead to legal problems or the removal of their license.

Be Patient and Supportive

At the same time that it is important to be strict, you should also be patient with your teens when they are learning to drive. Make a concerted effort to talk to them, and listen to them if they have issues they would like to discuss.

If you only enforce punishments and do not offer genuine support, your teen will be more likely to sneak around and do things without telling you. The trick is to find the right balance between rule enforcement and encouragement.

Celebrate Milestones

Learning to drive is an accomplishment. It is a major step that teens take in their lives, and it should be acknowledged as such. So take the time to celebrate the different milestones that your teen reaches in learning to drive.

This can include obtaining a permit, completing a driver’s ed course, and of course obtaining a license. Taking the time to acknowledge these accomplishments not only makes people feel good, it emphasizes the importance of what they have done. And this helps stay focused on the road.

Final Thoughts 

Learning to drive is an exciting period in teens’ lives. It is also one that causes parents a great deal of anxiety. Although the risks are real, they can be reduced with the right kind of coaching. So if you remain involved in your teen’s learning process and adhere to a reasonable set of rules, your teen should learn responsible and safe driving habits.

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The post How to Teach Your Teen Responsible Driving Habits first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How To Help Your Teen Stay Safe On the Road This Winter https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-help-your-teen-stay-safe-on-the-road-this-winter/ Wed, 07 Feb 2024 18:11:42 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=44480 Driving during the winter can be incredibly dangerous, especially for new teenage drivers.  As parents of teens, it’s important to teach them how to be safe and get themselves out of trouble on the road during a dangerous winter storm.  So how exactly can you prepare your teenage children to be safe in the best […]

The post How To Help Your Teen Stay Safe On the Road This Winter first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Driving during the winter can be incredibly dangerous, especially for new teenage drivers. 

As parents of teens, it’s important to teach them how to be safe and get themselves out of trouble on the road during a dangerous winter storm. 

So how exactly can you prepare your teenage children to be safe in the best way possible during the winter? Let’s find out. 

Prepare The Vehicle

The first and most important step before your teen child enters the road is to prepare their vehicle. Be sure to take the following steps which are:

1. Getting an oil change

2. Testing the battery

3. Getting tire rotations

4. Filling Up Your Engine With Gasoline

When you take these simple steps to prepare your car before getting on dangerous roads, that can prepare yourself for success in the long term. 

By preparing your vehicle, it can potentially be a great lesson to teach your teenage child on basic life skills. For example, if your teen’s car needs an oil change, teaching them how to go to a proper shop or even learn how to fill up their vehicle with the right amount of gas necessary. 

Educate Your Teens on Winter Driving Techniques

As stated previously, if there are dangerous winter driving conditions, it can be a great opportunity to educate your child on proper driving techniques during this time. 

The first and most important driving technique is to be a defensive driver. 

This principle means maintaining a safe following distance, avoiding sudden movements, focusing on making smooth turns, and not speeding. 

You should also be sure to educate your teens on the dangers of not being a safe driver during the wintertime.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there have been an estimated 121,156 police-reported crashes that happened when there was snow at the time of the crash. 

In addition, there were 391 fatal crashes that happened because of the snow and icy conditions. 

These statistics highlight how important it is to stay safe on the roads, while also showing how important it is for your teenager to create fantastic driving habits now to set themselves up for success in the future.

Create An Emergency Kit

The next step is to prepare your teen for the unthinkable. 

What if your child is in a place where he or she may be stuck with no place to go in the middle of a storm. 

Well, it’s best to be over prepared if your teen child is in this situation. 

Be sure to stock up on necessary items such as blankets, non-perishable items, first aid supplies, and even a flashlight if necessary. 

If your teen ends up getting stuck somewhere, make sure that they have the necessary tools to be safe in the dangerous conditions of the winter. 

Set Boundaries and Guidelines For Driving

An important lesson for your teenagers to learn is how to be disciplined. 

You need to also set boundaries and guidelines for driving in dangerous conditions, or even late at night, which can be against the law. 

For example, in the state of California, drivers who get their license before the age of 18 are not allowed to drive between the hours of 11am to 5am. If anything, these similar limitations need to be enforced on your teens, since nothing good ever happens after midnight. 

And nothing good ever happens after midnight. Period. 

Around 35% of all car accident fatalities happen at night, and the treacherous conditions during the winter can make that number even higher. 

So be sure that your child knows how to communicate with you to let you know that they’re on their way home, even with just a simple text. 

Encourage Responsible Driving Behavior

A crucial step of teaching your teenagers how to be a responsible driver during the wintertime is to encourage responsible driving behavior. 

And more importantly, you are the example that you set to your children. 

So if you’re taking your teenager to school, don’t go on your phone or speed excessively. Also be sure to put on your seatbelt, and never drive under the influence. 

By choosing to focus on responsible behavior, that can prevent the possibility of severe car accidents that can be life-changing or deadly. 

According to a trusted lawyer who focuses on personal injury in Austin, Texas, it’s important to seek legal services shortly after your teenager has been injured or hurt in a car accident. 

Insurance companies will do everything they can to minimize your teens’ pain and suffering, while they focus on their profits and bottom line over their paying customers. 

So, be sure to seek legal advice if this situation ever happens to you. 

Make Sure Your Teens Are Safe On The Road Today

To summarize the points above, as a parent, you can ensure your teenage child is safe on the road by performing the following actions: 

  1. Preparing the Vehicle Properly
  2. Educating Your Teens On Winter Driving Techniques
  3. Creating An Emergency Kit
  4. Setting Boundaries and Guidelines For Driving
  5. Encouraging responsible driving behavior

As a parent, when you choose to follow these steps, that can make your teen a safer driver, forcing you to be a better driver in the process. 

Just remember that it is up to you to also set a positive example for your children by everything that you do. 

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The post How To Help Your Teen Stay Safe On the Road This Winter first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Help Your Teen Understand the Liability of a Fatal Accident https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-help-your-teen-understand-the-liability-of-a-fatal-accident/ Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:33:41 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=43992 Losing a loved one is never easy, but when the loss is due to a fatal accident caused by someone else’s negligence, the pain and devastation can be overwhelming. As a parent, it is natural to want to protect your child from experiencing such a tragic event. However, as they grow older and start driving, […]

The post How to Help Your Teen Understand the Liability of a Fatal Accident first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Losing a loved one is never easy, but when the loss is due to a fatal accident caused by someone else’s negligence, the pain and devastation can be overwhelming. As a parent, it is natural to want to protect your child from experiencing such a tragic event. However, as they grow older and start driving, it becomes crucial for them to understand their accountability in the event of a fatal accident.

In this blog post, we will discuss how you can help your teen understand the liability of a fatal accident and why it is essential for them to be aware of the consequences of their actions behind the wheel. Let’s get started.

Educate Them About Traffic Laws and Regulations

Understanding traffic laws and regulations is crucial for any driver, especially for teens who are new to the road. Take the time to sit down with your teen and go over the basics of traffic laws, such as speed limits, right of way, and signaling. Additionally, discuss the potential consequences of breaking these laws, including fines and points on their license.

To further emphasize the importance of following traffic laws, you can also introduce your teen to the concept of wrongful death and how a driver’s negligence can result in such tragic consequences. Consider consulting with a wrongful death lawyer to provide more context and insight and how they can help in such situations.

Encourage Safe Driving Habits

One of the best ways to prevent a fatal accident is by encouraging safe driving habits in your teen from the start. This includes wearing a seatbelt, avoiding distractions while driving, and following all traffic laws. Set a good example for your teen by practicing safe driving yourself and discussing with them why it is essential to be a responsible and cautious driver.

Moreover, consider enrolling your teen in a defensive driving course or other safe driving programs that can provide them with valuable skills and knowledge to become a better driver. This investment can go a long way in keeping them safe on the road and reducing their risk of causing a fatal accident.

Discuss the Consequences of Negligent Driving

Many teens may not fully understand the severity of causing a fatal accident due to negligent driving. As a parent, it is your responsibility to have an open and honest conversation with them about the potential consequences of their actions behind the wheel.

This can include legal repercussions such as criminal charges and lawsuits, as well as emotional consequences for both themselves and the family of the victim. By discussing these possibilities, you can help your teen understand the gravity of their actions and motivate them to be more responsible while driving.

Role-Play Different Scenarios

Role-playing different driving scenarios with your teen can be an effective way to help them understand their liability in a fatal accident. This could include scenarios where they are at fault, as well as situations where they are the victim of someone else’s negligent driving.

By putting them in these scenarios and discussing the potential outcomes, your teen can gain a better understanding of how their actions on the road can have serious consequences. This exercise can also help them develop critical decision-making skills that can be applied in real-life driving situations.

Emphasize the Importance of Being Accountable for Their Actions

One of the most crucial lessons to teach your teen is the importance of being accountable for their actions. This not only applies to driving but also in life in general.

Explain to them that taking responsibility for their actions, whether good or bad, shows maturity and character. In the event of a fatal accident, it is essential for them to take responsibility and not try to shift blame onto others. This can also help them handle the emotional aftermath of such a tragic event better, knowing that they are facing the consequences head-on.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you feel that your teen is struggling to understand the gravity of their liability in a fatal accident, consider seeking professional guidance.

A therapist or counselor can provide a safe space for your teen to express their feelings and fears about driving. They can also offer valuable insights and advice on how to cope with the emotional aftermath of a fatal accident and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

Additionally, consulting with a lawyer who specializes in wrongful death cases can help your teen understand the legal implications of causing such an accident and how to protect themselves legally.

Helping your teen understand the liability of a fatal accident is not an easy task, but it is crucial for their safety and well-being.

By educating them about traffic laws, encouraging safe driving habits, discussing consequences, role-playing scenarios, emphasizing accountability, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can help prepare your teen to be a responsible and cautious driver on the road. Remember to set a good example and have open communication with your teen to ensure they understand the seriousness of their actions behind the wheel.

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The post How to Help Your Teen Understand the Liability of a Fatal Accident first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Help My Teen Drive Safer and Avoid Accidents https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-help-my-teen-drive-safer-and-avoid-accidents/ Tue, 07 Nov 2023 21:28:57 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=43881 We all know that teenage years are often accompanied by risk-taking behavior, but it can’t be argued that when it comes to driving, this risky behavior is magnified.  Teen drivers are those between 16 and 19 years old and they face an increased likelihood of getting into an accident due to their lack of experience on […]

The post How to Help My Teen Drive Safer and Avoid Accidents first appeared on Help Your Teens.

We all know that teenage years are often accompanied by risk-taking behavior, but it can’t be argued that when it comes to driving, this risky behavior is magnified.  Teen drivers are those between 16 and 19 years old and they face an increased likelihood of getting into an accident due to their lack of experience on the road, as well as other factors such as distracted driving or speeding. In order to really understand how serious these risks can be for teens behind the wheel, one must take a closer look at what causes them in the first place.

Precaution is better than cure.” – Edward Coke. 

Understanding the Root Causes of Teen Driver Accidents


Teen driver accidents pose a serious concern in our society today. One major factor contributing to this alarming trend is the high crash rates among teens, nearly four times more than drivers aged 20 and older for each mile driven. The roots of this problem trace back to their immaturity which often pushes them towards speeding and other impulsive habits.

A sizable chunk of teen crashes involves alcohol consumption. Their limited experience with both driving and drinking amplifies this risk significantly. In the year 2021 alone, over three thousand teenagers lost their lives in car crashes across the United States. It’s now one of the primary causes leading to fatalities amongst young people between 13-19 years old.

Rolling into deeper causes, it’s also observed that teenage fatal accidents usually stem from driver errors when compared with adults’ incidents. Excessive speed plays a role in about a quarter of these lethal mishaps. The fact remains that we can’t ignore issues like distracted or drowsy driving as well as negligence while using seat belts to add up on teenager risky behaviors.

We indeed have a long way on our journey towards ensuring transportation safety improvements especially among our younger generation. Accidents might lead to injuries and under such circumstances one should always consult a personal injury lawyer who can provide you legal services. Personal injury lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in representing individuals who have been injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of others.

They play a crucial role in helping victims seek compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, and suffering. No matter what your location is, locating a personal injury attorney is quite easy, thanks to the internet. For instance, if you are a resident of Philadelphia who is seeking such legal services, you can easily find one by searching for Philadelphia Injury Lawyers P.C. on the internet. These professionals are renowned for delivering top-quality legal counsel to individuals grappling with personal injury claims.

Strategies for Preventing Teen Driver Accidents

Preventing teen driver accidents is a matter of grave concern. One strategy that has been adopted globally for this purpose is Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL). Devised originally in New Zealand and initiated in the US by Florida, it’s now universal across all states, including the District of Columbia. The GDL provides novice drivers an opportunity to get into grips with driving, minimizing risks.

Though variations exist state wise, mostly these policies are applicable to those below 18 years. Therefore, it becomes crucial for teens’ parents or guardians to familiarize themselves with their respective state’s GDL laws.  Imposing restrictions on nighttime driving, carrying passengers and phone usage while driving; not forgetting wearing seat belts always forms part of these preventative strategies.

The illegality and potential hazards of underage drinking and drunk driving must also be made explicit to every young mind on our roads. Moreover, practicing safe driving as guardians goes a long way since kids often model adults’ behavior, especially parents.

Another effective preventive approach could be allotting dedicated sessions might aid your teenager gain mastery over basic yet essential road-skills apart from strengthening familial bonds.  But let us remember – qualified instruction cannot be substituted solely by parental guidance; both go hand in hand within a robust GDL system making sure our roads are safer places for all users.

Teen driver accidents remain a persistent problem that affects thousands of teens each year. By exploring and familiarizing ourselves with the various risk factors for teenage motorists we can start crafting solutions focused at ensuring their safety while still enabling them to fulfill their goals – whether that’s driving safely across town or cross country for college!

Increased regulation from government agencies, improved education initiatives from schools and public campaigns targeting young drivers are all considerations which could lead to decreased accident rates among teens — honor your son or daughter’s sense of independence while providing guidance in order to ensure safe driving habits today — let’s strive towards safer roads tomorrow.

Also read:

Preventing Texting and Driving

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The post How to Help My Teen Drive Safer and Avoid Accidents first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Teach Your Teen Defensive Driving Skills https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-teach-your-teen-defensive-driving-skills/ https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-teach-your-teen-defensive-driving-skills/#respond Wed, 26 Jul 2023 21:14:13 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=43280 Navigating the roads as a teen can be an intimidating experience. It’s important to understand traffic laws and get comfortable in a car, but when it comes to safety, knowing how to drive defensively is necessary. As parents, we want our teens to feel safe on the road and defensive driving techniques can help keep […]

The post How to Teach Your Teen Defensive Driving Skills first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Navigating the roads as a teen can be an intimidating experience. It’s important to understand traffic laws and get comfortable in a car, but when it comes to safety, knowing how to drive defensively is necessary.

As parents, we want our teens to feel safe on the road and defensive driving techniques can help keep them out of harm’s way. Teaching your teenager defensive driving skills is essential for safety – so let’s discuss what you need to know about defensive driving and giving your teen driver the confidence they need behind the wheel!

Set Clear Ground Rules and Expectations for Your Teen’s Driving Habits 


As your child grows older and starts driving, it is important to establish clear ground rules and expectations for their driving habits. This will not only ensure their safety but also that of others on the road.

Discuss things like speed limits, the use of seat belts, and avoiding distractions such as using their phone or eating while driving. It is also important to set boundaries for passengers, as having too many can be a major distraction. By setting clear expectations from the beginning, you are promoting responsible driving habits, which will help keep your teen safe behind the wheel.

Discuss the Importance of Following Traffic Laws and Using Turn Signals when Appropriate 

As drivers, it’s important to follow traffic laws and use turn signals when appropriate. Not only is it the law, but it’s also a necessity for safe driving. As we navigate the roads, it’s important to signal our intent to other drivers so they can react accordingly.

Failure to do so can result in accidents, injuries, or even fatalities. When we all follow the rules of the road and use our turn signals when turning or changing lanes, we create a safer driving environment for everyone. So next time you’re behind the wheel, remember to use those turn signals and obey traffic laws – it could make all the difference.

Explain the Dangers of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become an increasingly dangerous issue on our roads, with many drivers succumbing to the temptation of texting while behind the wheel. However, this seemingly harmless action can have devastating consequences. When you take your eyes off the road to send a quick text, you’re effectively driving blind. It only takes a split second of inattention for an accident to occur, and the consequences can be catastrophic.

Studies have shown that drivers who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash than those who don’t. The message is clear: the dangers of distracted driving cannot be ignored. Any type of distracted driving can be dangerous. For some drivers, it can even be listening to music. It is important to be aware of what exactly distracted driving means and to be aware of it. So before you send that next text message, ask yourself if it’s worth risking your safety and the safety of those around you.

What to Do in Case of an Accident 

As a parent, explaining to your teenager why they might need a car accident lawyer can be a daunting task. However, it is an important conversation to have to ensure that they know their rights and what steps to take in case of an accident. A car accident lawyer can help your teenager navigate the complex legal system and obtain the compensation they deserve for any injuries sustained or damage to their vehicle.

Although accidents can be stressful and overwhelming, having a knowledgeable car accident lawyer on their side can provide your teenager with peace of mind and a sense of security knowing that their best interests are being represented. So, make sure to have this conversation with your teen and remind them that it’s always better to be prepared for the unexpected.

Show Your Teenager How to Do Simple Car Maintenance Tasks 

Learning how to do simple car maintenance tasks can be a valuable skill for any teenager. Instead of relying on a mechanic for basic repairs, your teenager can save money and time by taking care of their own vehicle. From changing the oil to checking the tire pressure, there are many everyday tasks that can keep their car running smoothly.

By taking the time to show your teenager the proper techniques, they can gain confidence and independence while achieving practical skills that they can use for years to come. Plus, doing car maintenance tasks together can be a great bonding experience for both of you.

Talk about Planning Safe Routes ahead of Time and Preparing for Bad-weather Conditions

Preparing for bad-weather conditions is crucial when planning any journey, whether it’s a car journey or a walking route. By taking the time to check weather forecasts ahead of time, you’re able to prepare for any possible disruptions to your journey. It’s also important to plan your route carefully, ensuring you stick to well-lit and populated areas where possible.

This will help your teen be more self-confident and it will make them feel better while driving. If you’re heading off-road, make sure you know the terrain and have any necessary equipment, such as sturdy footwear or waterproof jackets. Also, if you are going to unknown places, make sure to use maps or GPS as it will help you navigate your route. Taking these simple precautions can help you stay safe, no matter what the weather brings.

Driving is a powerful privilege for your teen and the lessons you provide will stay with them as they become independent drivers. Teaching defensive driving skills is instrumental in increasing road safety and can prevent accidents, too. Being prepared for an accident ahead of time is essential should it ever happen to maintain composure. Above all these items, trust your instincts and instill your values into your teenager, like being safe while driving.

Monitoring your teen during their learning days will give you peace of mind that they are becoming excellent drivers and will follow the rules of the road no matter where they go. Over time, as you hope, these lessons will become ingrained habits and help keep them on the road safely in the years to come.

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5 Goals of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

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The post How to Teach Your Teen Defensive Driving Skills first appeared on Help Your Teens.

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Boosting Safety for Teen Drivers https://helpyourteens.com/boosting-safety-for-teen-drivers/ Wed, 28 Jun 2023 20:50:18 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=43110 Teen drivers have a fatal crash rate that is almost three times as high as that of drivers aged 20 and above—a cautionary statistic that merits families to take teen driving seriously. In some states (South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana) teens are able to obtain a full license by the age of 16 though […]

The post Boosting Safety for Teen Drivers first appeared on Help Your Teens.

Teen drivers have a fatal crash rate that is almost three times as high as that of drivers aged 20 and above—a cautionary statistic that merits families to take teen driving seriously.

In some states (South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana) teens are able to obtain a full license by the age of 16 though others require all drivers to be at least 18. Regardless of the minimum age limit, parents should help teen drivers. By following key safety measures, teens can enjoy the freedom of taking the wheel while keeping their accident rates down.

Choosing the Right Vehicle


There are several factors which influence the choice of a first vehicle for teens—including safety, cost, and maintenance. Families and/or teens purchasing a new vehicle should prioritize cutting-edge safety features, including rear cross traffic warning, blind spot warning, adaptive cruise control, lane centering assist, and automatic emergency braking. All these systems reduce potential damage that can be caused by distraction and speeding.

Buyers should also carefully consider whether to opt for a new or used car. While used cars have an edge when it comes to cost, safety and maintenance may be problematic due to the vehicle’s previous, prolonged usage.

Teens interested in a second car should check out the make and model’s history in order to identify any potential issues prior to acquisition. If a teen has their heart set on a motorbike, they should know the risks involved. Motorbikes are involved in 14% of all traffic deaths worldwide. Therefore, investing in top-level insurance and maintaining contact with a motorcycle accident lawyer will be helpful.

Establishing Rules

If your teen has obtained their license for the first time, make sure they know the rules of the game. In some states, during the first six months after acquiring their license, they are not permitted to drive a vehicle with anyone under the age of 21, unless an adult is also present. Seatbelts must be on at all times, and the use of mobile phones by drivers under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited.

States also differ with respect to the times in which treen drivers cannot drive. In many states, teens are not permitted to drive between midnight (or close to it) and 5am or 6am. Finally, in order to ensure teens are not consuming alcohol, parents can offer to pick up their children or suggest the usage of public transport or a taxi to get home.

Being a Good Role Model

As a parent, make sure you practice safe driving habits yourself while your teenager is in the vehicle, pointing out dangers and precautions in order to educate your children of potential hazards and solutions. Remain focused and avoid distractions, avoid speeding, do not tailgate, and stay calm, avoiding arguments and the discussion of tense topics. Avoid texting or attending to your phone, and ensure your GPS system is appropriately displayed, so you don’t have to use your phone for directions.

As teenagers embark on their journey behind the wheel, it is essential for parents to guide them towards responsible driving. From choosing an appropriate vehicle with enough safety features to establishing rules and guidelines for them to follow while in the driver’s seat.

Leading by example, parents must influence young drivers by showcasing exemplary driving and creating a healthy environment. Parents should also provide constructive criticism, pointing out strengths and targets for teens, and offering to pick teens up if they are out past their license curfew time.

Also read:

Why Short Talks Build Strong Relationships

The post Boosting Safety for Teen Drivers first appeared on Help Your Teens.

9 Ways to Prevent Teen Texting and Driving https://helpyourteens.com/9-ways-to-prevent-teen-texting-and-driving/ Tue, 14 Jun 2022 13:01:15 +0000 https://helpyourteens.com/?p=26878 As a parent of a teenager, you must be aware of how precious their phone is to them. Teens are always on their phones regardless of what they are doing. Whether it is studying, watching TV, or playing, it is becoming difficult for teens to leave their phones unattended. However, texting turns out to be […]

The post 9 Ways to Prevent Teen Texting and Driving first appeared on Help Your Teens.

As a parent of a teenager, you must be aware of how precious their phone is to them. Teens are always on their phones regardless of what they are doing. Whether it is studying, watching TV, or playing, it is becoming difficult for teens to leave their phones unattended.


However, texting turns out to be a huge issue when driving and needs to be addressed immediately. Being distracted when driving not just puts the teen’s life in danger but also that of fellow passengers.

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving has led to over 38,824 deaths in the U.S. in 2020. A study on distracted driving conducted on more than 1000 licensed drivers revealed that 86% of drivers text when driving. 

So, instead of contributing to these crash statistics on distracted driving, it is best for teens to avoid mobile phones altogether and encourage others to do the same. In this article, we will discuss nine ways to prevent teenagers from texting when driving.

1. Enroll Them in a Professional Driving Course

Professional driving schools impart interactive driving lessons to the teens. The expert trainers go beyond the basics to teach the teen how to be a great driver. They ensure that the teen follows the best driving practices, such as distraction-free driving, adherence to traffic laws and signs, and safe driving principles.

They also train the teens to drive under difficult conditions, such as heavy traffic, tricky turns, highways, and more that you, as a parent, might avoid teaching because of the stress it could potentially cause. 

2. Set a Good Example

If you want your teen to practice safe driving habits, be conscious of yours first. Teens always observe their parents and copy them. Demonstrate safe driving behavior by restricting cell phone use when driving. 

You can either respond to the texts when you have reached the destination or ask your teen seated next to you to respond to them on your behalf. Act responsibly and follow the driving practices you want your teen to follow.

3. Be Aware of Their Driving Habits

Observe your teen’s driving habits by being a passenger in the car. Pay attention to how they handle situations, such as an urgent phone call or an important text. Encourage teens to attend any texts or calls before starting the car or toward the end of the journey. Correct their mistakes, if any, with simple and clear instructions. 

4. Have an Open Discussion on the Ill Effects of Distracted Driving 

Inform your teens of the dangers of texting when driving, such as accidents or crashes resulting in injuries, fatalities, and sometimes, deaths. Make them aware of the consequences of distracted driving, like traffic tickets, elevated insurance costs, and more.

They should know that texting when driving is illegal and by doing so, they are breaking the law. Show them the staggering statistics about the number of accidents caused due to this distraction. You could also let them watch videos of the aftermath of an accident. 

By making them aware of the dangers, you instill a sense of responsibility in them, thereby encouraging them to drive without any distractions.

5. Set Consequences for Inappropriate Driving Behavior

The teens must understand that driving is a privilege. They must know that it can be taken away by you or by the law if safe driving practices are not followed. 

For example, if your teen is caught texting when driving, take away their driving privileges or have them pay for traffic violations.

6. Monitor Your Teen’s Driving Using Apps

Many mobile apps help you track cell phone activity remotely without any hassles. These apps can also be used to block text messages and calls. Hoverwatch, Cocospy, uMobix, and MSpy are some of the examples of these tracking apps that you can use. 

Inform your teens that they are being monitored. In such situations, they will more likely follow the rules. Convince them that you are monitoring driving habits for helping them become a better driver.

7. Encourage Them to Install Safety Apps  

Installing safe driving apps, such as DriveMode, EverDrive, or TextDrive on your teen’s phone will automatically silence text alerts or phone calls when motion is detected. It can also send automated replies to the people trying to contact your teen. 

Alternatively, teens can use the built-in ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode on their phones. This mode blocks notifications ensuring zero distractions. 

8. Avoid Texting Your Teen When They Drive

Stop texting or calling your teens if you know they will be driving during a certain time. In the fear that parents might get mad, most teens end up returning the texts or calls and land up in accidents. 

Research by Deccan Herald revealed that more than half of teenagers aged between 15 and 18 were talking and texting their parents when driving.

9. Train Them to Effectively Manage Emergencies

Train your teens to pull over and get to a safe place to attend to urgent calls or texts. Stopping the vehicle at a gas station or a parking area to attend a call is better than looking at the phone when driving and risking lives. 

Summing Up

Distracted driving among teens has always been a topic of concern for parents. We hope this article will help you convince your teens to practice safe driving. Take effective measures shared here to ensure that your teens understand the dangers of texting when driving and act as responsible citizens. 

Contributor/Author: Aliza Vigderman is the director of content at AutoInsurance.com, overseeing all content on the site. Previously, she worked as an industry analyst and senior editor at Security.org, a site covering home and digital security. She has also worked as a freelance writer at SquareFoot, Degreed, and The Huffington Post. Her background is in journalism, which she studied at Brandeis University.

Also read:

 5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

Purpose of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

What Causes of Teenage Mental Health Issues?


Do you have a teen that is struggling? Are they defiant, driving recklessly? Is your teen doing drugs and driving? Have you exhausted your local resources and at your wit’s end? Learn more about the benefits of residential treatment for your troubled teenager. Contact us for a free consultation.

The post 9 Ways to Prevent Teen Texting and Driving first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to Choose the Best Car for Your Teen to Drive https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-choose-the-best-car-for-your-teen-to-drive/ Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:04:44 +0000 https://www.helpyourteens.com/?p=17775 How to choose a car for my teen to drive?    Choosing a car for your teens eligible to drive can be challenging. There are so many models and options available that it is hard to know what will work best for your child’s needs. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated.   Here are […]

The post How to Choose the Best Car for Your Teen to Drive first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to choose a car for my teen to drive? 


Choosing a car for your teens eligible to drive can be challenging. There are so many models and options available that it is hard to know what will work best for your child’s needs. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated.


Here are the top tips to help you shop for the perfect car for your teen driver.


PexelsCarBuying1. Consider your Budget?


Money is the first thing that runs through the mind of most parents when it comes time to buy their teen a car. Buying a used car is always cheaper, but you’ll need to make sure the vehicle is in good condition and safe for your teenager to drive.


If you’re not comfortable buying a used car, there are plenty of new vehicles that are affordable as well. One of the tips to follow when buying a new car is to scout around for the different offers and incentives offered at the time. Many dealerships will offer discounts on vehicles with low mileage or a specific color range.


Another crucial thing to consider is how much money you’re willing to spend on car insurance each month. Insurance rates can vary in different companies, so comparing rates before buying a car is crucial. You may also get a discount on your insurance if your teen takes driver’s education classes.


2. Consider the Safety Features


Safety is the number one factor for parents when choosing a car for their teen driver. Look for vehicles with features like airbags, anti-lock brakes, and electronic stability control. These features can help keep your teen safe on the road.


Although most of these features are now standard on most cars, be sure to check before you buy.


3. Consider the Gas Mileage


The fact that gas money will be coming from your account and not your teen’s means that you should consider a fuel-efficient vehicle. Teens will love the idea of a hybrid or electric car, but be sure to check out the cost of ownership and compare it to other cars to make the most informed decision possible.


Remember, you don’t want to be replacing the car in a year or two because it’s not economical.


4. Consider their Needs and Interests


What type of car will best suit their needs? Do they need a family vehicle or something sportier for weekend getaways?


Are they more interested in performance or safety features? A sensible sedan may be the right choice for a first-time driver, while a teenager ready for a little more excitement might prefer a convertible.


Think about how your teen will use the car. If they primarily drive on city streets, fuel efficiency may be more important than all-wheel drive. But if they’ll be hitting the open road, horsepower and towing capacity could become factors.


It’s also important to consider what your teen wants in a car. They’re probably not as excited about getting their license as you are, so it’s essential to find something they’ll be happy with.


The truth is that there’s no specific car for every teenager. But by considering your teen’s needs and interests, you can narrow down the choices and find the ideal vehicle for them.


5. Take them for a Test Drive


PexelsCarBuyDriveWhen it comes to buying the first car for their teen, parents want to make sure they are making the best decision possible. One way to accomplish this is to take your teen for a test drive in the car they are interested in. This will allow them to see how it handles and if it’s comfortable for them.


You can have them test different cars you may be interested in or even the same car in different colors. This will help them decide what they like best and narrow down their options.


6. Consider the Cost of Maintaining the Car


Teens are known for their erratic driving and can easily damage a car. So, parents must consider the cost of maintaining the vehicle. The last thing every parent would want is to be stuck with a bill for repairs your teen can’t afford.


Some vehicles are more expensive to maintain than others. For example, a luxury car will likely require more costly repairs and replacements than a standard sedan. So, it’s best to go for an affordable and practical model.


Buying a car for a teenager is a big decision for parents. As mentioned in this blog, there are many factors to consider when making this purchase, such as the car’s safety and how it will fit into the family budget. Parents can find the perfect vehicle for their teen drivers by following these tips.


Read Car Responsibilities: How to Talk to Your Teen About Driving.

Read: 5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools.

Read: Where to Send Your Troubled Teens.

Read: What Causes Teen Mental Health Issues.



Contact us if you have exhausted your local resources with your troubled teen. We help you make smart decisions for teen help programs, therapeutic boarding schools and other options for struggling teens.

The post How to Choose the Best Car for Your Teen to Drive first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How To Prevent Teen Distracted Driving https://helpyourteens.com/how-to-prevent-teen-distracted-driving/ Tue, 24 Apr 2018 21:07:45 +0000 http://www.helpyourteens.com/?p=7602 How to talk to my teen about the risks of distracted driving? Teenager drivers have increasingly become the major victims of road accidents today. This has been majorly due to extreme carelessness and unremitted distractions. Since the law allows teenagers to acquire driving license at an early age, the best alternative for curbing this menace […]

The post How To Prevent Teen Distracted Driving first appeared on Help Your Teens.

How to talk to my teen about the risks of distracted driving?

PexelDistractedDrivignTeenager drivers have increasingly become the major victims of road accidents today. This has been majorly due to extreme carelessness and unremitted distractions.

Since the law allows teenagers to acquire driving license at an early age, the best alternative for curbing this menace is championing the various ways on how to prevent teen distracted driving.

Parents are usually the best teachers for their children. However, external enlightenment for teenagers is always provided by other organizations and groups.

Distractions that might overwhelm teens include personal grooming while driving, eating, and talking to passengers in the back seat. Besides some teens watch videos in the car and are often distracted by road maps. Additionally, loud music is rarely considered though deadly distraction for drivers. Distracted driving is causing more car accidents.

Here are the major ways on how to prevent teen distracted driving. Parents are usually vested with a natural authority to help implement these methods.

Limiting cell phone use while driving

Messaging services and social media are usually the favorite phone applications for teens. They always feel compelled to update their peers constantly about their welfare. Though they have little driving experience and have spent fewer hours behind the wheels, they adamantly refuse to put their phones away.

However, teens should be reminded to always keep their phones off or on silent mode while driving.

They should not carry familiar passengers in the back seat

With friends at the backseat, stories always keep getting interesting. However, as the conversations continue, the driver gets distracted and is prone to lose control of the vehicle. Nevertheless, it is the role of parents to enact strict rules prohibiting their children from carrying friends in the back seat.

No driving under the influence of alcohol

Teens should not be allowed to go partying with their cars. They should use public transport instead. Alcohol causes disorientation and hallucinations that can be very detrimental while driving.

Grooming and eating before driving

This requires efficient time management skills so that teen do not multitask while driving shifting of attention can lead to serious fatalities.

Regulating the use of music

It is important to regulate the volume of playing music to increase concentration. Additionally, you should not keep on changing stations and selecting songs.

The overall effects of distracted teen driving are way more deadly. It is this reason that this article proves to be very important. However, you can get information to prevent distracted teen driving by consulting on legal implications from a car accident attorney.

Also read:

Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Success in Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Why Residential Treatment Works When Home Therapy Fails


If you are struggling with your teenager and have exhausted your local resources, learn more about how residential treatment can help your troubled teen make better choices. Contact us today for  a free consultation.

The post How To Prevent Teen Distracted Driving first appeared on Help Your Teens.
